See Intermediate Results My Data QueryWhen creating a data query, the good practice is to put a Make AggregationsYou can make aggregations at several levels with several methods.
Use Item Instead of TuplesWith the Semantic Graph Index, it is better to manipulate items rather than tuples, for performance reasons. That is why it is better to keep item objects as close as possible to the end of the data query. It is therefore different from SQL, where you typically transform items in Tuples to reduce the number of attributes. The following use case shows how you would proceed in SQL, and how to do it more efficiently in Semantic Graph Index. To reproduce an SQL query, you would add the In Data Perspective Studio data queries, avoid adding tuple transformation as in SQL. In SQL, you choose only the
interesting columns and make transformations. In Data Perspective Studio data queries, try to put the Enhance the Data Query PerformanceWhen you
When you click The Summary tab lists all potential issues. The Logical plan tab shows the CPU usage per thread and the Memory