UC2 - Get Sum of Values for an Entry

This example shows how to get a sum of values for an entry. It is the continuation of UC1.

See Also
UC1 - Get 2 Tables with 2nd Table Showing Details
Defining and Managing Data Queries


Source csv file for each SAPCODE:


  • Column F contains the sum of BOQ_Qty
  • Column G contains the sum of Allocated_Qty
  • Column I contains Espsilon_Status. The interesting value is Ordered.
  • There can multiple lines with the same SAPCODE.

  1. Add a GROUP BY transformation processor.
  2. For this processor, add a "value" partitioner as input.SAPCODE.
  3. To have the sum of BOQ_Qty, add a Sum aggregator with the expression input.BOQ_Qty.

  4. To get the sum of the Allocated_Qty (column G) for which the Espsilon_Status (column I) is Ordered, add another Sumaggregator with the expression input.Allocated_Qty with the required Filter expression.