What's New

This section describes recent changes in Equipment Design.

This page discusses:

R2022x FD01 (FP.2205)

Jog enhancements
  • Configs and turns provides red +/- buttons to indicate an out of limits condition
  • TCP User mode to change orientation only
  • Tag selection support
  • Display 0.0 at the center of the joint viewer rectangle
  • Auto-reframe on the jogged joint when using the 3D manipulator
  • Prehighlight the parts of a joint when hovering over joint names
  • Extend the joint name width with Jog Preferences.
Redefine local zero on programmable resources
When using different mechanical resources, you can redefine the zero value for specific commands.

R2022x GA

Kinematics Wizard support for Flexible driller
Kinematics Wizard is updated to provide the ability to create, simulate, and teach a flexible track driller in DELMIA NC or robotics apps.