Using Sketcher to Design Layout Sections

You can select the stations from the 3DPart to create the conveyor.

  1. Expand the P&F Conveyor Station 1 tree and double-click on the PartBody to
    enter the 3DEXPERIENCE | CATIA Part Design app
  2. Click Positioned Sketch .
    The Sketch Positioning dialog box appears.
  3. Click xy plane from the P&F Conveyor tree.
    The 3DEXPERIENCE Sketcher app is now open.
  4. Click Line in the Action Bar.
  5. Click at point of origin, and continue to -50 (using dimensions from Defining the Layout). Click again at point of destination to set the line.
    A conveyor section is created.

  6. Click Arc from the Circle group.
  7. Click at center of Arc Circle, drag desired Arc Radius.

  8. Click at point of origin. Continue to point of destination. Click again to set Arc.

  9. Continue with the rest of the locations for the mezzanine level (green line from Defining the Layout).
  10. Exit the Sketcher app.
  11. Share > Save > Save All.