Unloading a Library

If you do not use a library that is displayed in the Package Browser, you can unload it from your session. The unloaded library is removed from the Package Browser.

  • In your session, if a library uses components or packages instantiated from the library you want to unload, these links are broken. Such incomplete libraries cannot be neither compiled nor simulated. However, you can still reload the library to restore the links.
  • When you import a library using an unloaded library, the unloaded library is not imported.

  1. From the Package Browser, right-click the library you want to unload, and select Unload Library .

    Important: You cannot unload only a subpackage of a library.

    The selected library is removed from the Package Browser.
  2. To reload an unloaded library:
    • If the library has been saved in the database, type dbl:*<Library_name> in the Search box.

      See Open an Existing Library.

    • If the library has not been saved before being unloaded, you can still save it, using Share > Save > Save All.

      The unloaded library appears in the Save dialog box, click OK to save it.

      You can then type dbl:*<Library_name> in the Search box to reload it from database.

    Note: The modifications that are not saved within an unloaded library are kept in session and can be reloaded via an open, or saved.