Editing the Coordinate System Using the Mouse

You can edit the coordinate system using the mouse.

Before you begin: Open a class.
  1. To see the frame of the diagram layer, from the Diagram section of the action bar, click Show Diagram Extent .

    • Applying this command corresponds to changing the option Show frame for diagram extent. To specify this option, select Me > Preferences > App Preferences > 3D Modeling > Systems Modeling and Execution > Dymola Behavior Modeling , the Editor tab, the Component Visualization group.
    • The option is by default not activated.
    • The option only applies to the diagram layer. The frame of the icon layer extent is always shown.

  2. Select the diagram layer or the icon layer by, from the Diagram section of the action bar, clicking Icon Layer .

    • The command works in toggle mode.
    • The diagram layer is open by default.

  3. In the diagram, click the frame of the class to select it.
    The handles appear on the frame.
  4. Drag the handles to change the minimum and maximum values of the horizontal and vertical coordinate system.

    To prevent you from accidentally creating a coordinate system of size 0, the smallest coordinate system that you can create with the mouse is {{-10,-10},{10,10}}.

    The minimum and maximum values of the horizontal and vertical coordinate system are changed, for the selected layer.
    Note: You can also edit the coordinate system using the Class Attributes command, in the Graphical Preferences tab. Here you can also edit other attributes for the coordinate system, for example, if the aspect ratio is to be preserved. For more information, see Editing Class Attributes.