Showing Components

The Show Component Instance command lets you enter the component to display its parameters. In other terms, this command shows the instantiated class taking into account overloaded parameters (modifiers).

This command displays the diagram layer of the component in the whole diagram. To display the diagram of a component instead of the icon layer, but leave the rest of the diagram unchanged, use the command Show Diagram.

Before you begin:

  • Create a behavior representation (either a behavior library or a functional or logical behavior). In this scenario, create a Modelica library with a model MyExamples.
  • From the Modelica Standard Library, instantiate DoublePendulum from Modelica.Mechanics.MultiBody.Example.Elementary.
  • (If you have created a behavior, activate the behavior containing the instantiated DoublePendulum.)
  • From the Component Browser, to see the components in the model, expand doublePendulum.

See Also
Context Toolbars
Selecting a Component
  1. From the Component Browser or the diagram, select the doublePendulum component.

  2. From the context toolbar, click Show Component Instance .

    Tip: You can also select Show Component Instance from the context menu of a component (either from the Component Browser or from the 2D diagram).

    The following is the result:
    • The component appears in the diagram.

    • By default, a component path panel appears in the upper left of the diagram, see the figure above. You can use this panel to navigate between components. For more information, see Navigating the Component Path.
Important: If you modify this instantiated class, you modify only the top-level component enclosing it (active component). This adds a modifier on this component. To modify the class definition and all its instances, see Showing Class Definition.