Copy Simulation Command to Clipboard

You can create the function call corresponding to starting the active simulation, and copy this function call to the clipboard. From the clipboard you can then paste the information in, for example, the Modelica Script Editor to create and enhance a simulation script for the model.

Before you begin: Simulate the model. See Simulating a Behavior.
  1. From the Variable Browser, right-click any node or signal and select Copy Simulation Command to Clipboard.
    The result is:
    • The function call corresponding to starting the simulation is created.
    • This function call is copied to the clipboard. An example of such a result is:

      simulateModel("Modelica.Mechanics.Rotational.Examples.CoupledClutches", stopTime=1.2, numberOfIntervals=500, method="dassl", resultFile="CoupledClutches");

    Note: Any manipulations like changing initial values and plotting are not included in the result, it is only the basic function call for starting the simulation that is created and copied.
  2. Paste the result from the clipboard in any suitable editor for further work.

    Example of editors are: