Interacting with the Dymosim DDE Server Using the Internal Graphical User Interface

You can interact with the Dymosim DDE server using an internal graphical user interface. The GUI provides some possibilities for setup and interaction with the simulation, but no simulation data is accessible. The normal procedure is to handle the DDE server from a DDE client.

  • Although the model example Coupled Clutches from the Modelica Standard Library is used as an example in this section, the technique can be applied to any Modelica model.
  • This task concentrates on the handling of the DDE Server GUI; for general information concerning simulation, see Simulating a Behavior and related topics.

Before you begin: To be able to use Dymosim as DDE Server, you must have the Systems FMU Export license. For further information on licensing, see the Dassault Systèmes License Server Essentials Guide.
See Also
About DDE Communication with Dymosim
Simulating a Behavior Synchronized with Real Time
  1. From the Behavior Tools section of the action bar, click Coupled Clutches .
    The CoupledClutches diagram opens.
  2. From the Behavior Authoring section of the action bar, click Simulation Setup and then do the following:

    Tip: You can also access this command from the Simulation section of the action bar.

    1. Under the General tab, in the Stop time box, enter 10.
    2. Under the Simulator tab, select the DDE Server.
    3. If realtime should be used when starting, select Syncronize with realtime.
    4. Click OK to validate.
  3. Click Simulate from the action bar.

    Tip: You can also access this command from the Action Pad panel. To access the Action Pad panel, from the Tools section of the action bar, click Action Pad , or right-click an empty area and select Display > Action Pad.

    • A window containing a status bar is displayed. The status bar shows the progress of the simulation calculations.
    • An external program is launched and appears in the Windows toolbar.
  4. To interact with the external program (Dymosim) while it is running, select the external program in the Windows toolbar .

    Important: If the environment variable DYMOSIMGUI is set to TRUE, you must click Play to start the external program.

    A window is displayed. The title of the window is the name of the model; CoupledClutches in this example.

    The top row of the window shows:

    • The simulation time.
    • The amount of time the simulation is delayed at each accepted output point, relative to real time. A negative value indicates that the simulation is faster than real time (in this instance, there is spare time for additional calculations).

    The symbol in the Windows toolbar shows the simulation time if the GUI window is minimized, otherwise the name of the simulated model.

    The window includes controls to Pause, Play and Stop the simulation.

    To adjust the Slowdown factor, enter a value in the box and click Set.

    To produce a log file of DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) events, select the Log on file check box. The log file ddelog.txt is saved in your environment under Rxxx\Authoring\CATTemp\SVE. For each new simulation of a behavior, the logs are appended to this file.

    If the environment variable DYMOSIMLOGDDE is set to TRUE, DDE messages shown in the external program are saved in ddelog.txt. Once the program has started, the setting in the above window takes precedence over this variable.