Add Trainee | Searches for and adds organizations, member lists, and persons to the list of trainees. For a template, you can only add organizations and member lists. In the search results, you can choose mandatory or optional for the Training Required column. You can also edit the list of trainees to change this value. Note:
This action is available for Document Center Administrators only.
| Adding Trainees |
Assign Training | Note:
This action is available for Document Center Administrators only.
Assigns the training to the selected person, organization, or member list. If you assign training to an organization or a member list, all people in that organization or member list are assigned training. A notification is not automatically sent to
those trainees. You must select
Send Notifications
to notify
The document shows in the person's My Documents list, with the Training Completion column color-coded, and in the Training Documents category. Note:
You can also edit the table to change the value of the Training Status column to Assigned.
This action is not available for training for a template.
| - |
Generate Report | Creates a Trainee Assessment Report and adds it to the list of reference documents. You can view the report on the Reference Documents page tab in the Content category. Note:
This action is not available for training for a template.
| Trainee Assessment Report |
Send Notification | Sends a notification to users who have been assigned training, but have not yet completed it. The notification includes a link to the document. Note:
This action is not available for training for a template.
| - |
Remove Trainee | Removes the selected items from the list. Click OK to confirm. If the person was also added in an organization or member list, they are not removed from that location. Note:
This action is available for Document Center Administrators only.
| - |
Enable Edit  | Toggles into edit mode. In edit mode, you cannot edit rows if the training status is complete. If you mark training as complete, you must also enter a comment. Note:
This action is available for Document Center Administrators only.
| - |
Disable Edit  | Toggles into view mode. Note:
This action is available for Document Center Administrators only.
| - |
Complete Training  | Completes training for this document. A Document Center Administrator can complete training for assignees. If an organization, member list, or business unit is added as a training assignee, the Document Center Administrator can select that assignee and complete training for all members at once. | Completing Training |