Regulatory Decision Properties

The Properties page of a regulatory decision provides the details about regulatory decision created for market authorization.

Required Access Roles:

  • App-specific: Regulatory Lead
  • Baseline: Leader

To access this page:

  • Open the required market authorization. For more information, see Opening a Market Authorization.
  • In the page, click the Regulatory Decision tab.

You can also access the Regulatory Decision page from the Properties page of a MA, which is connected to the context MAC.


  • Open the required ASPI. For more information, see Product Identifications.
  • In the page, click the Regulatory Decision tab.
  • In the navigation pane, click the Name of a regulatory decision.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:

Page Tabs

Tab Name Description For More Information
Properties Displays the properties of the language specific content. Fields
Language Specific Content Displays the language specific content related to regulatory decision. Language-Specific Contents
Lifecycle Displays the lifecycle state, tasks/signatures, routes, and approvals. 3DEXPERIENCE Basics: Lifecycle Page


Field Name Description
Name The name of the regulatory decision.
Title The title of the regulatory decision.
State The lifecycle state of the regulatory decision.
MAC The market authorization change for which the decision has added.
Decision Date The date on which the authorization has approved.
Decision Actor The person who is either reviewer or authority.

Actions and Toolbar Commands

Edit Lets you edit the details of the language specific content.