Derived From (Submission Type) Page

For European submissions, a submission for Mutual Recognition Procedures (MRPs) can only occur if the applicant already has a National Procedure (NP) or Decentralized Procedure (DCP) submission. As a result, an MRP submission type must be derived from an NP or DCP submission type.

Required access roles: Regulatory Administrator or submission type owner

To access this page:

  1. Open the required submission type. See Opening a Submission Type.
  2. Click the Derived From page tab.

This topic describes:

This page discusses:

See Also
Submission Types List


This page lists other submission types that the context type is derived from.

Column NameDescription
NameThe automatically-generated name of the submission type. Click to open the submission type.
TitleThe descriptive name of the submission type.
TypeThe item type: Regulatory Submission Type.
StateThe lifecycle state of the submission type.
Regulatory AuthoritiesRegulatory authorities associated with this submission type. Click to open the regulatory authority.
DescriptionDetails about the submission type.

Actions/Toolbar Commands

You can only add submission types to or remove submission types as derived submission types if the context submission type is in the Inactive state.

Action Name Description
Add Existing Allows you to search for and select submission types to indicate that this submission type derives from the selected submission types.

The search tool does not allow you to add submission types that were derived from the context submission type.

Required access role: Regulatory Administrator or submission type owner

Remove Selected Allows you to remove the selected submission types from the list. Click OK to confirm.

Required access role: Regulatory Administrator or submission type owner