Track Points Context Toolbar

The Track Points context toolbar enables you to specify start and end point types for the path planning solver, and to apply intermediate and guiding points as useful to assist the track-finding computation. Alternatively, the path planning solver can manage some of these functions automatically. The toolbar is context-sensitive, displaying only commands applicable to the current selection or the current solver activity.

See Also
Context Toolbars

The Track Points context toolbar can contain the commands listed below for working with the point types during a track-finding session. Selecting a named point type to change or remove it activates the applicable commands for the context. For example, the Remove type command is only displayed for a named type applied to a T-point, not for a simple T-point.

Set Start Type and Set End Type
The Find Track command requires start and end point types. You can specify any T-point of a Track as a start or end type. If a start or end point is not specified when you click the command, the solver automatically specifies the first or the last T-point as the start point or end point.
Start and end points must be in correct sequence. The solver does not find a collision-free path if the start point does not precede the end point.
A Track can have only one start point and one end point. A new start or end point defined on a Track replaces the existing start or end point.
If a start, end, or intermediate point is in a collision path, the solver is unable to find a collision-free path.
A Track is updated with new points as the solver proceeds between start and end points. Existing points between the start and end points are removed except intermediate points. The start, end and intermediate point types are kept on T-points.
Set Intermediate Type
You can specify multiple intermediate points before a track-finding session to assist the computation and to influence the resulting Track.
Set Guiding Type
You can specify multiple guiding points before a track-finding session to assist the computation.
The Extract command appears on the context toolbar if the selected start, end, or intermediate point is in collision.
Click the command to replace that point with a new collision-free point of the same type. You can choose whether you want to define a maximum radius for the extraction, or specify a direction for the extraction. The previous point type is removed but the underlying T-point remains part of the Track.
If the collision point is a start or intermediate type, the new point is inserted after its original position. If the collision point is an end type, the replacement is inserted before its original position.
The command disappears from the context toolbar when the new point appears.
In the Path Finder panel, you can specify a parameter to automatically extract points in collision during the computation.
Remove Type
This command appears on a typed point. With it you can remove a type specified on a point, without changing the point coordinates or creating another point. The command is not displayed on the context toolbar if there is no type on a point.

A label identifies each typed point in the 3D representation, showing its type, and its collision status with a color: red for point in clash, green for collision free, orange for point in contact. Example point labels appear below.