Workplace Design - Status Dialog Box

You can define Worker tasks, and the Smart Posturing Engine then generates realistic postures for each of those Worker tasks. It then computes a risk and status level corresponding to that posture, and offers one or several suggestions that could help lower that risk level when required.

Once creating, a Worker task, this consumes one of your credits.

This page discusses:

See Also
Create Worker Task Dialog Box
Risk and Suggestions Dialog Box

Ergonomic Workplace Design Dialog Box

This has three sections, Safety, Efficiency, and Ask an Ergonomist.

Status Panel - Safety

This displays on the right side and shows the number of tasks per risk level within a station. Clicking within any risk level window, opens the Worker Tasks Summary.


  • Undefined the positions risk is undefined.
  • High Risks the position has high risks.
  • Mid Risks - the position has mid risks.
  • Low Risks - the position has low risks.

An undefined risk level means that the Smart Posture Engine is not successful in finding a natural posture to at least one anthropometry. The Ergo4all Engine was unable to define a risk for that anthropometry.

Furthermore, risk level classification based on the worst risk result for at least one anthropometry. Thus, if one anthropometry has a worst risk result level then the whole Worker Task classifies under that worst result.

For each risk level, if at least one of its Worker Tasks has an Out of Synchronization status. Then a hatched vertical bar adds onto the left side of the risk level.

Note: A Worker Task has its status at Out of Synchronization when a change to an object and its position occurred and thus, jeopardizes the task’s computed posture validity.

Worker Tasks Summary

This view shows the tabs of Value Added or Non Value Added and all the Worker Tasks ordered by the selected risk level.

This panel shows all the Worker Tasks ordered by risk level (one expand by level) and by Value Added (VA) and Non-Value Added (NVA) status (tabs).

Each task’s tile has the same structure:

  • The risk level for the Worker Task; this icon is the same than the icon in the navigator tree.
  • The name of the Worker Task.
  • Action done by each hand.
  • The risk levels obtained for each anthropometry.

A single click the Worker Task.1 (task title) opens the task and synchronizes the scene while a double-click action starts the editing process on the task. The same Worker Task highlights in the navigator tree.


Efficiency section gives a quick glance at the proportion of tasks defined as a Value Added to the process in opposition to tasks defined as Non-Value Added.

  • A Value Added task involves work that physically transforms the product, such: Apply (in some cases), Assemble, Bend, Fold, Brush (in some cases), clip, connect, crimp, cut, drill, grind, hammer, insert, lubricate, pinch, polish, rivet, screw, solder/weld, and tighten.
  • A Non-Value Added task involves work that consumes resources, but does not add value to the product, such as: clean, dip, get, hold, interact, load, loosen, operate, place, point, position, remove, scan, touch, verify, type, unload, unscrew.

Clicking on either VA or NVA opens the Worker Tasks Summary.

Contact an Ergonomist

Clicking Ask an Ergonomist opens the Engineering web page where you can find various information.