Create Worker Task Dialog Box

The Create Worker Task dialog box provides various options for the manikin. Defines a task by one phrase describing what action a worker does, on what object, using which tool (or where).

You can perform this action with one hand, or both. There may be phases when two hands have two different actions.

This page discusses:

See Also
Creating a Worker Task

To access the dialog box, select Add worker task in an Operation.


Select a name or use the default name assigned.



  • Left Hand or select Left Hand Selected.
  • Right Hand or select Right Hand Selected.

The first list, Hands is for specifying which hand or hands to use.

The second list, Action, contains the possible actions. This is a filtered list, taking the categories of the objects in the next list into account to only display actions that make sense when interacting with those objects. You can also add a Mass, weight.

The third list What, contains all the objects on which a task may make sense in the context of the current operation. Those objects may come from different sources:

  • Assigned resources
  • Objects that are in the general area of the operation.

Select any other object in the 3D viewer and add to this list, using Select in 3D within the list.

The fourth list Which/Where, contains all the objects that the worker would use to perform the action, such as tools, or places where the action would occur.

Note: If the selections do not make logical sense, then the icon appears as not acceptable . Or the icon between the four selections is not acceptable.

Create, Close

  • Create
    • Clicking Create in the Create Worker Task dialog box, is the only command that consumes one credit 10 to 9, from your Evaluation package. The task automatically saves in the database. Using the Edit worker task dialog box, you can then modify your scenario. Clicking Preview updates the manikins position in the modified layout as many times as required, does not use any credits, and does not automatically save. Once acceptable, click Update to save all the new positions in the database and this also does not use any credits.

    • Your Evaluation Package credits decrease.

      The Smart Posturing Engine computes the 4 manikins.
    • This shows a posture of the male manikin realizing the defined task. The anthropometry toolbar appears to show the status for each manikin. If there is a risk, then that manikin displays.

  • Close - Closes the dialog box.