From the
Manikin, select
Profiles, Reports.
Right-click a Report and select Report1 object.
- Definition...
Update - The Update
command updates these logs. For Human
Task Definition, activate the Update Analyses
During Simulation, in the Preferences/Ergonomics at Work / General tab. If you are
required to do repetitive positions, enter a custom label by activating the
Enable custom label at update in the Preferences / General tab.
- View - There is also a Vision analysis in the list of
possible reports on the manikin. This report contains the length of the line of
sight (focal distance) and the snapshot (image) of the manikin's eye window.
- Define Input Parameters... - See Define Input Parameters Dialog Box
- Deactivate - Deactivates the reports.
The benefits that allow you to save the outputs of human static analyses
into formatted text files are:
- Consult the analysis results for better efficiency, and compare individual results together.
- The resulting files process and reformat (in Microsoft Excel for example), to present in a
different context (management report, web page, snapshots for presentations).
- With the report objects, it is possible to run ergonomic analyses without opening the
corresponding section and without switching (all analyses complete in the
- Ergonomic problems identify quickly, and corrective actions finished earlier.
- With the Vision analysis, you get an image of the sight of a specific manikin at a certain
moment in time. This allows you to enhance their analysis capability and therefore
help validate that the manikins position is in the right place to view their
environment correctly. In the list of possible reports, you have an item, Vision
Analysis. This report consists of the value of the line of sight and the image of
the manikin's eye window.