Using Machining Processes in Libraries

You can save and retrieve Machining Processes in libraries.

This task shows you how to:

Using Send to Library for a Machining Process

You can add a Machining Process in a library by creating a new library or updating an existing one.

  1. Go to Machining Process View and create a new Machining Process with a Machining Operation.

    See Create a Machining Process.

  2. Click Add > Propagate to save Machining Process with a Machining Operation in the database.

    An error message appears if Machining Process is not saved in the database.

  3. Right-click a Machining Process and select Send to Catalog \ Library command in the context menu.
    The Send to library dialog box appears.
  4. To create a new library:
    1. Select Create a new library check box to create a new library.
    2. Specify the library name and the class name.
    3. Click OK to create a new library.
      A message informs that Machining Process has been successfully send to the new library. The new library is now displayed in Library Name list in Update an Existing Library expender.
  5. To update an existing library:
    1. Select Update an existing library check box to update a library.
    2. Select the Library name in the list or click the search button and choose a new library from the database.
    3. Select the Class name in which selected Machining Process to be added. Choose Edit to create a new class name in the drop down, to enter a new class name in above chosen library.
    4. ClickOK to send the Machining Process to the chosen library class.

    See Apply a Machining Process.

Apply a Machining Process from a Library Class

You can apply a Machining Process directly from a library class with the Machining Process View open.

  1. From the Programming section of the action bar, click Apply Machining Processes .
  2. Optional: In the Library Selection area of the Machining Processes Application Manager, select the check box to retain the current library class selection for subsequent instantiations.
  3. Still in the Library Selection area, click Library Selector [...].
  4. Enter a search criteria in the search bar of the Top Bar to select a library class.
  5. In the search results, select a class.
    The library class structure with Machining Process appear in the lower part of the dialog box.
  6. Select the Machining Process you need. All the activities in Machining Process are selected for the instantiation.
  7. Click OK.