Editing the Feedrate of a Tool Path

You can modify feedrate of imported V5 data (through APT Import type operations) or locally slow down the tool of a Machining Operation, to avoid chatter (due to poor rigidity of the setup, change of part surface topology) and ensure an accurate tool path on the machine.

Feedrate Modification is available on APT imports and milling operations. In an APT Import Machining Operation, the type of feedrate is determined as follows:

  • The slowest feedrate of a Machining Operation in the APT file is considered the Machining feedrate
  • The Second slowest is the approach feedrate
  • The third slowest is the retract feedrate
  • All others are local feedrates.

  • Edited feedrates using the Tool Path Editor only impact the tool path, the Machining Operation specification is not changed.
  • Tool paths with edited feedrates are flagged as modified.
  • The result is not associative. If the tool path is recomputed ( a parameter is modified or there is a design change), local feedrates are lost.

This task shows you how to:

Modify a Portion of a Tool Path

After you have selected a portion of the tool path, you can modify the feedrate.

Possible feedrate modifications are:

  • As a type (approach, retract, machining.)
  • As a value
  • As a ratio of the machining feedrate value (for Local type).

Note: If the selected area contains several trajectories with different feedrates and if the new feedrate is local, only the machining trajectories is modified (to ignore jumps or macros trajectories).

  1. Select a portion of the tool path as explained in Editing an Area of a Tool Path.
  2. Click Modify Feedrate .
    The Feedrate Modification dialog box is displayed:
  3. Select Local from the list of Machining, Approach, Reatract, and Rapid:
    • The dialog box changes to show the Feedrate value: 1000mm_mn and the Feedrate ratio: 100
    • The Feedrate value proposed is the current one
    • If several tool paths are selected with different values for the same feedrate type, the value field is hidden
    • If several tool paths are selected with different values for the machining feedrate, the value field of the local feedrate is hidden
  4. Key-in the new Feedrate value or the Feedrate ratio.

    When you modify one, the other is recomputed.

  5. Click OK.
    The tool path is modified with this new feedrate value.

Modify a Tool Path Globally

You can modify a whole tool path globally. To do so, do not select any area of the tool path before modifying it: the modification applies to the whole tool path.

  1. Select a portion of the tool path as explained in Editing an Area of a Tool Path.
  2. Click Modify Feedrate .
    • The Feedrate Modification dialog box is displayed
    • If several tool paths are selected with different values for the same feedrate type, the value of the first tool path is given as default value.
  3. Modify Feedrate Type to Machining.
    • The type of the feedrate (approach, retract, machining, local)
      Note: If there are several local types with different feedrates, you can select Local1, Local2, Local3. The corresponding areas are highlighted.
    • Or the Feedrate value: apply a new feedrate as a value (or a ratio of the machining feedrate value for Local type).

    RAPID is never proposed because its value cannot be modified, as it is defined by the machine.

  4. Click OK.
    All the tool paths are modified.