Creating a Structured Activity

You can create a structured activity using the Strategy tab of the Structured Activity panel. It enables you to gather the trajectories of other additive activities. Trajectories will be ordered to build all geometries at the same place.

See Also
Creating a Structured Activity
  1. From the Additive Programming Section section of the action bar, click Create Structured Activity .
    The Structured Activity panel displays.
  2. Optional: You can edit the ordering strategy by setting Ordering strategy to either:

    • By list ordering: this lets you manually define the order of the activities
    • By optimizing modes: the order of the activities is automatically optimized to minimize the travelling distance between the aggregated activities' parts and bodies.

  3. Click Link an Activity . Select one of the following activities in the Select aggregated activities dialog, and click OK:

    • Slicing Activity
    • Following Activity
    • Layer per Layer Activity
    Note: The candidate activities for aggregation must share the same tool.

    The linked activities appear in the panel.
  4. You can unlink activities one at a time by clicking Unlink the Activity .
    The activities are unlinked and removed from the panel.
  5. To change the order of the activities, select an activity and click Up or Down .

    Note: The printing order is only updated if the Ordering strategy is set to By list ordering.

  6. You can edit activities one at a time by clicking Edit .
  7. Optional: In the Macros tab of the panel, you can define the global approach and the macros to apply when moving between aggregated activities.

    Note: Clearance Along Tool Axis and Perpendicular to Safety Plane are the available Clearance macros.

  8. Click OK or Compute.

The structured activity is created.