Process Management

Process Management lets you modify enterprise manufacturing processes to suit local conditions.

See Also
What's New
In Other Guides
3DEXPERIENCE Dashboard Apps

Process Management provides you with a cockpit that enables you to modify enterprise processes as needed. You can search the enterprise process for the resources or operations that you need to modify. You can then modify these processes, and keep the changed process on the cloud so it can continue to be modified as the need arises.

Table 1. Related Guides and Resources
Guide Description
Getting Started Describes the key tasks to discover the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
3DEXPERIENCE Platform Describes the key concepts and capabilities of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, such as the Compass, 6WTags, 3DSearch, and 3DNotification.
3DEXPERIENCE Dashboard Apps

Describes the shared commands used by dashboard apps.

Common Services for Process Engineering Apps User's Guide Describes the common services such as Product Build-Up and 3D View that are available in Manufacturing Planning apps.

If you have a 3DEXPERIENCE ID, you can find additional assistance as follows:

  • The Program Directory includes the latest information about new features and known issues.
  • The Knowledge Base provides question-and-answer articles for a wide range of content. You can search the Knowledge Base for information relevant to your app.