Sometimes there are some modifications for a specific
manufacturing assembly in a session and that assembly has an
attached Production Drawing or BOM XML. In this case, the Sync Manager shows
Modified status for a specific manufacturing assembly row after
The Sync Manager updates Production Drawing or BOM
XML by the following conditions: - The Sync Manager displays Modified status for a
manufacturing assembly row after computation if the Production
Drawing, which is attached to a manufacturing assembly, shows a
 After synchronization, Production Drawing is
updated by the Sync Manager

- BOM XML contents are compared with a corresponding manufacturing
assembly. To compare BOM XML contents with all children or direct
children, the Is Direct Children attribute is added to the
XML Info element. In addition, this Boolean attribute corresponds
to the Consider Direct Children Only option of the
Production Drawing command. This BOM XML
is generated with the Consider Direct Children Only option and
the Sync Manager compares BOM XML contents
with direct children of Manufacturing Assembly00000002. If
BOM XML is generated without the Consider Direct
Children Only option, then Sync Manager considers all
children manufactured items Manufacturing Assembly00000002.
 Refer to the comparison result, Sync Manager
shows Modified status for the corresponding manufacturing assembly
row. After synchronization, BOM XML contents are refreshed
Here are five scenarios about changing a child manufactured item: - New - If manufactured items are planned for generation under an assembly,
then the assembly structure changes and its attached Production
Drawing or BOM XML needs updating. After computation,
Sync Manager changes the parent manufacturing assembly-row-status
to Modified. If the parent assembly has no computing, then the
status is not changing and documents are not the latest.

After a new manufactured item is created by clicking
synchronize, then Production Drawing or
BOM XML that are attached to Manufacturing Assembly00000049,
Manufacturing Assembly00000005, MW_Section are updated.
Changing the Acknowledge action to None, action for the assembly row, the
corresponding documents do not update.
Adding a manufactured item for a Pillar to the Manufacturing Assembly00000002 and a
Production Drawing updates after synchronization. 1 - Before
Synchronization 2 - After Synchronization
 In the BOM XML example, a new
Manufactured Part00000017 element adds to

- Modified : Sync Manager captures the position
change of the design product and the modified design-product attribute values, which are
mentioned in DELMnOSynchronizePLMAttributes.CATRule. After computation, the
Sync Manager displays Modified status for
the selected manufacturing assembly row.

After synchronization, Production Drawing and
BOM XML attached to manufacturing assembly are updated. In the
Production Drawing example, (1) one deck stiffener was moved
manually and Drawing is updated after synchronization (2).

1 - Before Synchronization. 2 - After Synchronization. In the
BOM XML example, Thickness="20mm" was added to the description
attribute on the deck stiffener and BOM XML is properly updated
after synchronization.

- Revised - The Sync Manager shows Revised status for a manufactured item
if the design product is revised and the implement link is broken. Before this highlight,
Sync Manager shows Up-To-Date status for the manufacturing
assembly row even though the child row has a Revised status.
The parent manufacturing
assembly-rows that have Production Drawing or
BOM XML that show a Modified status after computation if the
child manufactured item needs a revision. Not computing the parent manufacturing
assembly-row or it does not have documents, then its status does not change to Modified.

After clicking the Synchronize command, a manufactured part
revises and the Documents that are attached to the parent manufacturing assemblies
update together. To update attached documents, the parent manufacturing assemblies,
compute in advance.
A drawing updates with a revised deck that has an opening creation on a deck.
the BOM XML example, the revision attribute and display name are
changed after synchronization.

- Deleted - If a product was deleted, then the Sync Manager shows the
corresponding manufactured Item as having a Deleted status. If its parent manufacturing
assembly computes in advance, then the parent manufacturing assembly-row shows a Modified
status because the structure of the manufacturing assembly changes. In this case, its
Production Drawing or BOM XML must update

After synchronization, Production Drawing
and BOM XML that are attached to the parent manufacturing
assemblies update.
Here, one LBHD stiffener is deleted from Production Drawing
after synchronization.

1 - Before Synchronization 2 - After Synchronization In the
BOM XML example, Manufactured Part00000201 has been deleted after

- Reroute case - If the manufactured item is rerouted to another
manufactured item, then the structure is changed and the corresponding
documents need to be updated.
- Supported: If "Manufactured Part00000001" is moved to
"Manufacturing Assembly00000002", then Sync Manager is able to
update Production Drawing or BOM XML attached to Manufacturing

- Not Supported: If "Manufactured Part00000010" moves to "Manufacturing
Assembly00000011," then the implement link of Manufacturing Assembly00000002 removes.
In this case, the Sync Manager cannot update the Production
Drawing or BOM XML of Manufacturing
Assembly00000002. The Sync Manager displays an Unknown status
and action for the corresponding row. Therefore, the user has to update them by using
the Production Drawing command.
