Using Batch Utility to Create/Update Resulting Products

You can Create/Update Resulting Products of the selected item on the batch utility by using Compute/Update Resulting Products for StrMfgWorkshopDocsExtraction.

See Also
Compute/Update Resulting Products Scenarios
  1. From the Tools section of the action bar, select Utility and connect.
    The Batch Monitor dialog box appears.

  2. Scroll down and double-click Heavy Industry Manufacturing Options.
    The Heavy Industry Manufacturing Operations dialog box appears.
  3. Select StrMfgWorkshopDocsExtraction Batch utility.
  4. Select Verbose Report and Compute/Update Resulting Products.
    A detailed report generates.
  5. Click 3DEXPERIENCE Object Search to get the objects from the database.
  6. Enter corresponding server host.
    The Object dialog box appears.
  7. Click Apply to search for the target item.

    The corresponding items are displayed in the object selection list.

  8. Click OK to close the Object dialog box.
  9. Click Run to execute StrMfgWorkshopDocsExtraction batch.

    Updates the resulting product structure of selected Manufacturing Assemblies. And modifications save in the database.
  10. Click to open the Report which creates in the report directory.
    The global report.

    • In this report, the total number of created/modified objects are displayed with their Manufactured Item display name, Resulting Products display name. And deleted objects do not list in this report. Existing items with resulting products also do not list in the report.
    • Modified Status: The objects, which are computed as modified objects in the Save scope (Modified Objects in Save with Options). And if the children items are new/modified status, then the parent item is also reported as Modified.
    • New Status: The objects, which are computed as new objects in the Save scope (New Objects in Save with Options).