You can generate a workshop document for manufactured items connected with a scope
link, and then synchronize. The SDD Panel object is looked at as an assembly of Plates. The
Generate Workshop document displays the Manufacturing Assembly created for the Panel PLM
object. The visualization for the Resulting Products of the Manufactured Items for Plates
objects (under the Panel PLM object) is based on the CGR mechanism. This generates the view
based on Tools, Preferences, Drafting, View Generation mode, and CGR.
- Click Extract Production Drawing.
Open Preferences. Select Open WD after extraction and Generate BOM XML.
- Select the Manufacturing Assembly for the panel.
Click OK.
A workshop document generates. The opened drawing shows the representation for
the Plates under the Panel object.

special treatments for XML generation. This is in sync with the XML generated for
generic data (non-Structured design data).
- Select the manufacturing assembly item in the Open Workshop Documents dialog box and click Open to view the workshop document drawing.
- Start the Synchronization Manager command and click Compute. For unplanned data, the Status attribute shows New and the Action attribute shows Create.
Click Synchronize, the Manufactured Items are generated for
Plate PLM Objects and the Manufacturing Assembly is generated for Panel PLM