Basic Skill Options Dialog Box
The Basic Skill Options dialog box appears.
- Library
New Library - Selecting this creates a new library.
Last Used Library - Select the last used Library.
Existing Library - Select any existing Library.
- Basic Skill
You can edit the name, if required.
- Finish or Cancel
Select either to Finish and go to the Basic Skill Editor Dialog box, or Cancel, to exit.
Basic Skill Editor Dialog Box
Basic Skill Editor
dialog has:
- Name
- Type in a name.
- Description
This allows you to place a description
- Whole Body
- The Whole body posture may record or select one or more
posture-selected kinematic chains.
- Kinematic Chains
Selecting the Kinematic Chain option, the available kinematic chains display. You
can select more than one chain. These chains are available,
- Right Arm
- Left arm
- Right hand fingers (palm not included)
- Left hand fingers (palm not included)
- Right Leg
- Left Leg
- Trunk with Pelvis
- Head and Line of sight
Constraints section describes the constraints stores in the skill and this supports
creating a plane constraint.
Key Frames section - For intuitive posture visualization; displays the postures as
green vertical lines. The key postures with constraints have an added yellow
marking. This section also has a red line that integrates with the simulation player
and slides across during skill animation.
Option to use when specifying the IK behavior when simulating the basic skill.
- Motion Basis
This allows you to select the motion basis, either by time or joint speed.
- IK Behaviors
This opens the Manage Anchors Dialog Box.