Action Input
This tab displays the starting operation (From Operation:) and the ending operation (To
Operation:) that are subsets of the selected task.
Operations are the subactivities that appear under a task in
the PPR tree.
For activities that have subactivities (that is, a Walk activity consists of series of MoveToPosture
subactivities) the starting and ending operations automatically enter.
The Action Input tab contains the following options:
- Human task:
- This stipulates the used human task for calculation.
- From Operation:
- Select the operation where the action starts.
- To Operation:
- Select the operation at which the action ends.
- Title
- Type a title in this section.
- Insert current parameters in Action list
- This inserts the current parameters data.
- Input
- The Parameters for Energy Expenditure dialog box appears and you can update
the parameters in this list.
List of Picked Objects: This
field specifies picking the objects.
Enter Mass: This
field specifies the mass of the picked object.
Posture: This field specifies the posture taken by the worker during the current job. The current job refers to the actual
range defined by the From Operation to the To Operation. The options offered are:
- Standing Straight
- Standing Bent
- Sitting
Body Action: This field indicates the action performed by
the body from the starting operation to the ending operation of the current job. The
options offered are:
- No Action
- Walk
- Stoop
- Squat
- Climb stair or ladder
(All two-handed lifting/lowering activities declare as a Stoop or a Squat.)
Left/Right Arm Action: This field indicates the arm
action for the current job. The options are:
- No Action
- Hand and Arm Work
- Hold
- Push / Pull
- Lift
- Lateral Work (180 degrees)
- Lateral Work (90 degrees)
- Horizontal Work
The Details activates and selects when the following
arm actions are chosen:
Hand and Arm Work Detail
options to choose from are:
- Work Light
- Work Heavy
- Hand Work Light
- Hand Work Heavy
Hold Detail Options to choose from are:
- Hold at Waist
- Hold at Thigh
Push/Pull Detail Options to choose from are:
chest and At Thigh:
Action List Tab
The Action List tab contains the following options:
- From Operation (column) to Operation (column) Title (column)
This shows the actions available for this calculation. Select an activity in the Action List:
- Use the Modify
to view or change the parameters associated with an
already existing job.
- Use the Remove
to delete the parameters associated with one (or several
if multiselected) specific job. This action cannot reverse.
- Press Compute to start the automatic energy expenditure computation. The
Action List must contain at least one element for