From the spreadsheet view, select the appropriate PPR object according to
procedure invoked.
For example, if the procedure is retrieving a product implemented by an
item, then the appropriate item must be selected before you invoke the
From the PPR Navigation section of the action bar, click PPR User Defined Open
The PPR User Defined Open dialog box appears
listing only the procedures compatible with the object type selected.
Select a procedure.
A description of the procedure appears in the dialog box.
From the Open with list, select the authoring app in which
you want to open the procedure.
If theProcOpenApp value is
defined in the UDO procedure, the specified app name is automatically
selected. However, you can always choose another app from the list: this
will not change the ProcOpenApp value defined in the
Click OK to validate.
The PPR content is completed and opened in a new authoring tab. Note:
PPR User Defined Open command ignores all filters
applied in Manufacturing Context Builder except Configuration filters.