About Assigning Multiple Operations for an Item

The Generate Operations by Catalog provides a capability to assign multiple operations for an Item.

This page discusses:

Overview of Assigning Multiple Operations

In Generate Operations by Catalog command, Part_A is assigned to Operation_A, Operation_B, Operation_C operations and each operation are generated under different systems at one time.

Assigning Multiple Operations for an Item

Action Rule - In Generate Operations by Catalog command, ohOperationOcc is an output operation occurrence of the action rule. This retrieves from the catalog and instantiates for an item. But a single output operation occurrence cannot have information for multiple operation assignments so it is replaced with oListOfOperationOcc in the list of operation occurrences.

IfBEAM-T8-Product33698828605112 has to be assigned to Unloading Operation_Beams, Transfer Operation_Beams and Unloading Operation_Beams operations, operations can be mentioned likeUnloading Operation_Beams;Transfer Operation_Beams;Unloading Operation_Beams;LEVEL0-BEAMS_Product33889.-421040164 in the description.

Clicking Compute in Generate Operations by Catalog, the action rule tries to search forUnloading Operation_Beams,Transfer Operation_Beams, andUnloading Operation_Beams in the catalog. Then the panel shows operations andLEVEL0-BEAMS_Product33889.-421040164 as the parent system.

Input operation occurrences have information about candidate systems and the size of iListOfOperations can be equal to the size ofoListOfSystems.

  • Parameters:
    • ihProcessOcc: The input item.
    • iListOfOperations: The list of operations retrieved from operation rule.
    • iListOfSystems: The list of systems in the session.
    • oListOfSystems: The retrieved systems, new operations instantiate under each matched system.
  • If the size of oListOfSystems is less than the size of iListOfOperations, the active root system is the parent for remained operations.
  • If the candidate system of the operation is null, then the active root system is displayed in the parent column.
  • It is possible to use ihProcessOcc or iListOfOperations to catch the candidate system like the previous rule and it depends on the rule.

Assign Multiple Operations to Multiple Systems

To generate operations under different systems, iListOfOperations which returned operation occurrences of the operation rule that is added as a new input argument. The ohSystemOcc is replaced with theoListOfSystems which is a list of system occurrences.

Multiple Operations for an Item

Single Operation assignment, the row displays the same information in columns as it is.

Multiple operation assignment, parent item row displays only item information in the item column. Child operation row displays the number in the item column and the candidate operation in the operation column with its parent object in the parent column. After clicking Finish, children operations are generated for the parent item under the parent object.

Using Set/Unset Operation in the context, the menu is changed to Set/Unset Operations and it allows you to set/unset multioperations.

To specify multiple operations manually, multiselection is allowed in the Operation Tree dialog.

  • Set Operations: Selected operations in the Operation Tree dialog adding to the parent multioperation row or selected operations are replacing operations of the children rows. And operation number in item number updates.
  • Unset Operations: All operations or selected operations remove from the parent multioperation row. And operation number in item number updates. If only one child operation remains, then the child operation removes and the parent row changes to the single operation case.

Result Dialog

The result dialog has similar model with the compute dialog. Adding Children rows to the parent item row depends on the number of implementing operations. And attribute values for operations display in corresponding rows.

Assigned is displayed in Operation column for already assigned operation.

After operation generation, Generate Operation by Catalog provides an exporting process for the report to files (txt/tsv/csv). It is difficult to review the structure in the report file, so XML is also available.

Use Case Scenarios

This gives scenarios of a New case, Up-to-date case, and Replace by case.

  • Set Operations - The children rows of multioperations are changed depends on the number of selected operations in the Operation Tree dialog.
    • If the selected operation in the Operation Tree dialog is one of children rows, then that children row is remaining as it is.
    • If the selected operation in the Operation Tree dialog is different with children rows and then selecting operation in the Catalog tab, the candidate system is from the System Rule.
    • If the selected operation in the Operation Tree dialog is different with children rows and selecting the operation in the Session tab, the candidate system is the Parent object.
  • Unset Operations - Clicking the unset operations menu for Parent Row of multioperations, removes all children rows and displays None or Assigned in the operation column. If selecting parent row with children rows, this removes all children rows and displays None or Assigned in the operation column.

    Clicking unset operations menu, on children row, selecting rows remove from parent row. And if only one children row is remaining, then it changes to single operation case with remaining children row information.

    Clicking unset operations menu, single operation row, display None or Assigned in operation column.

  • Set Parent - The Parent object for selected rows can be changed by specifying the Parent context menu. Select Single Operation Row, the Parent Row for multioperations and Children Row of multioperations. And click Set Parent context menu.

    Select Beams_Product system and click OK.

    Then, the Parent of single operation row is replaced with the Beams_Product system.

    Next, Parent of all children rows of selected Parent Row is replaced with the Beams_Product system.

    And Parents of selected children rows are changed to the Beams_Product system.

  • Consistency Check -

    Click consistency check menu on Parent Row of multioperations, run consistency check for children rows of selected Parent Row.

    Click the consistency check menu on the children row, run the consistency check for the selected children row.

    Select Parent Row of multioperations and children row of multioperations. And clickconsistency check menu.

    Then, LEVEL2-BEAMS cell displayed as red because LEVEL2 is the next system of the LEVEL1-BEAMS system.