Introductory Concepts

Before you begin using Operations Experience, you need to know the basic concepts.

This page discusses:


Operations Experience is used to view, contextualize, and better understand scheduling information about your experience.

Time ManagerGantt ViewInformation Panels3D View

Time Manager
Displays the time information of your experience and lets you view and track your experience over time.
For more information, see Time Manager.
Gantt View
Provides accurate information about your activities.
For more information, see Gantt View.
3D View
Displays the 3D representation of your experience.
For more information, see 3D View.
Information Panels
Displays detailed information about objects and your overall experience.
For more information, see Information Panels.

Time Manager

The Time Manager displays detailed time information about your experience. It is composed of the Time Manager and the Bird View.

Time Manager

The Time Manager displays the date and the period format of the experience according to the selected Time Period filter.

Bucket Format
It displays the current date of the experience according to the selected Time Period filter.
The Time Period filter changes the time filtering granularity, which also has an impact on the display format of the current date.
Period Format
The time filtering granularity varies according to the selected Time Period filter.
You can navigate between time periods by clicking the left or right arrow.
Time Period Filter
You can filter the experience data over a specific period of time. Time period filtering allows you to focus on critical information, which improves your ability to understand data correlations, compliance to plan analysis process, and the root cause of deviations.
Use the box to select a Time Period filter.
Selecting a Time Period filter restricts the information displayed in the Bird view, the 3D view, and the Gantt view: only events, operations, and asset positions related to the filter period are displayed.

Use the lock icon to freeze the current timeline and navigate freely within the Bird View without making any changes.

Bird View

The Bird View allows you to navigate through time.

You can zoom in on a specific time period or zoom out to get an overview of your experience.

Time Filtering Granularity
The time filtering granularity is defined according to the selected Time Period filter.
You can limit the search to a specific time period using the left and right sliders. This restriction cannot be greater than the context definition.
It allows you to view the critical activities of a specific time period in your experience.
Current Period
The current period corresponds to the dark blue line displayed at the bottom of the Bird View.
The light blue line corresponds to the context definition.
Switch Current to Planned View
You can change from actual view to planned view by using the switch.
This allows you to display the information that has been customized for the Assets concept in the Configuration Manager panel .
For more information, see Operations Experience Builder user's guide: Getting Started: Defining Asset Mapping.
You can display the actual and the planned state of a selected object by using the Compliance to Plan command. If you are in the planned view , the actual view of the object will be transparent mode.
You can click the red LIVE pointer to return to the present.

For more information about the Time Manager, see Using the Time Manager.

Gantt View

The Gantt view displays the sequence of steps and the dependency relationships between activities and current schedule status. It shows your project schedule.

The Gantt view is a Gantt Charter that represents production operations assigned to primary resources.

To display the Gantt view, click the Asset Gantt command from the Analysis section of the action bar.

The Resource column displays planned and realized operations.

3D View

The 3D view displays the 3D representation of your experience.

The 3D view consists of multiple layers that you can filter.

You can use the 3D view to track the progress of your experience in real time.

Information Panels

The information panels let you display configurable web pages. This allows you to filter the displayed content to obtain only relevant information.

Info On

You can use the Info On command to display configurable information about a selected object.

To display this panel, click the Info On command from the Authoring section of the action bar.

Global Info

You can use the Global Info command to display configurable information about your overall experience.

To display this panel, click the Global Info command from the Authoring section of the action bar.