Drilling Riveting Dialog Box

The Drilling Riveting dialog box provides options for defining and modifying approach clearance, feedrate, macros, and user parameters. You can also use this dialog box to create manufacturing patterns.

To access the dialog box, double-click a Drilling Riveting operation.

This page discusses:

Main Parameter

Action Description
Compute Collision-Free Anvil Orientations Opens the Anvil Orientations panel, which displays the optimal orientation angle based on a given input. For more information, see Computing Anvil Orientations.
Edit Robot Motion Opens the Multi-Motion Editor panel, which displays one robot motion for each toolpath movement.
Synchronization Indexes Opens the Synchronization Status panel which displays the position of the synchronized robots for each index.


The Geometry tab allows you to define the geometric parameters that are machined.

New Feature
This parameter lets you select a pattern.
Mandatory Parameters
Parameter Description
Manufacturing Fasteners Selects manufacturing fasteners.
Optional Parameters
Parameter Description
Part Surface Selects the part surface.
Geometry Parameters
Parameter Description
Origin Offset Shifts the tool path by the specified offset.
Inverse Pattern Ordering Tool path computation begins at the last pattern position and finishes at the first position.
Default Fastener Offset Updates all manufacturing fastener points to use the specified Default Fastener Offset as origin and direction input. This option is specified as None by default.
Note: To invert the bottom frame of a manufacturing fastener, create a fastener offset where:
  • Along Z is specified as Length.
  • Rotation X is specified as 180.00deg.

Strategy Parameters

The Strategy tab allows you to specify the strategy and user parameters.

Lateral Axis
Parameter Description
Mode Defines the lateral axis of the robot tool:
  • Fixed: the x-direction of the tool is constant.
  • Along the path: the x-direction of the tool follows the tool path.
  • From manufacturing fasteners: the x-direction of the tool is computed based on the lateral axis of the manufacturing fasteners. This is the default mode.
Roll Offset Specifies an angular offset for the lateral direction, in a plane perpendicular to the tool axis.
Approach clearance

Defines the safety distance along the tool axis for approaching the rivet reference.

Instruction Set Panel
Lets you edit the public parameters of instruction sets with a usage scope defined as Any or Global.
Instruction set: Lists the instruction sets with a usage scope defined as Any or Global.

Macros Parameters

The Macros tab allows you to define transition paths in your machining operations by means of NC macros.

  • Approach
  • Retract
  • Clearance
  • Linking Retract
  • Linking Approach
  • Between Passes
  • Between Passes Link

For more information, see NC Machining Apps Common Services: Using the Working Area: Creating Machining Operations: Defining Macros: NC Macros.

Feedrate and Spindle Speed Parameters


Edit the required speed rates:

  • Approach: 300mm_nm
  • Machining: 1000mm_nm
  • Retract: 1000mm_nm


  • Machining
  • Approach
  • Retract
  • Local