Computing Anvil Orientations

You can automatically compute the best orientation for anvils with a C-frame system.

Before you begin: Create a drilling and riveting operation.
See Also
Drilling Riveting Dialog Box
  1. From the Drilling Riveting dialog box, click Compute Collision-Free Anvil Orientations .
    The Anvil Orientations dialog box appears.
  2. Under Optimize, select an option.
  3. Under Anvil Rotary Joint, select an axis.
  4. If you have chosen to optimize the Orientation Angle, define the Angular Step use for computation.
  5. If you have chosen to optimize the Retract Length, define the Linear Step use for computation.
  6. Optional: Define the Clearance Step.
  7. Click Compute to start the computation for all fasteners.
    A list displays the result for each manufacturing fastener. The list displays the following information:
    • The index.
    • The name.
    • The computation status:
      Computation is not yet performed.
      No collision-free orientation can be found.
      Initial orientation is already collision free.
      Orientation can be updated with the computed value.
      Orientation can be updated with the computed value after a detailed range analysis.
    • The optimal angle.
  8. Optional: Right-click a manufacturing fastener from the list to display its context menu and do any of the following:
    Show Anvil at its Computed Position Shows the anvil in position with the computed orientation. Displays the jog panel that lets you jog the anvil orientation and verify its results.
    Compute Optimal Angle Computes the result on one or multiple selected rows.
    Compute Complete Range Computes the result and shows the ranges that are collision-free. Range scope is provided by the kinematic limits of the rotary joint.
    Assign Angle to Local Instruction Set Opens the Assign Angle panel that lets you specify the computed optimal angle to a parameter of the current instruction set.
    Edit Local Instruction Set

    Lets you modify or view the instruction set. For more information, see Editing an Instruction Set.

The anvil orientations are computed and updated.