Deactivating a Manufacturing Fastener

You can deactivate manufacturing fastenermanufacturing fasteners to exclude them from tool path simulation. Available only for drilling and riveting operations associated to a secondary motion group.

Before you begin: Create a manufacturing pattern, an operation and apply an offset on a manufacturing fastener. The operation dialog box must be open to enable the selection of the manufacturing fastener.
See Also
Simulating the Tool Path
  1. In the work area, right-click a manufacturing fastener
  2. In the context menu that appears, select Deactivate .
    The manufacturing fastener is deactivated and its corresponding arrow is set to 0.
  3. Optional: Set a synchronization mode by right-clicking the deactivated manufacturing fastener. Select one of the following:
    • None: No synchronization is applied to this manufacturing fastener.
    • Previous: Synchronizes the manufacturing fastener with the previous activated manufacturing fastener position.
    • Next: Synchronizes the manufacturing fastener with the next activated manufacturing fastener position.
  4. To reactivate the manufacturing fastener, right-click a deactivated manufacturing fastener, and select Activate in the context menu that appears.

Manufacturing fasteners are deactivated or reactivated as defined.