Action Bar: Analysis Section

The primary area of the Analysis section provides commands to view and play back the actual and planned movement paths of assets, as well as their positions. It improves the understanding of asset movements over time.

B.I. Essentials
Reveals attributes of the objects in your session. Color codes corresponding to the different values of an attribute are applied to the objects.
For more information, see Using B.I. Essentials in.

Asset Gantt
Displays the Gantt view: a sequence of steps and the dependency relationships between activities and current schedule status.
It illustrates your project schedule.
For more information, see Gantt View.

Compliance to Plan
Displays both planned and actual positions of the selected asset in the 3D view.
When activated, information is displayed in the Object Properties panel.

Displays path history of the selected asset in the 3D view.
A path is represented by a polyline, composed of dots and straight lines. Dots represent the positions taken by an asset during the selected period and straight lines connect two consecutive positions.