Exporting Tag Group Data

This procedure describes how to export tag group information to a text (.txt) or Excel spreadsheet file (.xls).

Before you begin: Your scenario must have:
  • A product or resource with the tag group or groups you want exported.
  • A product or resource with which you want the tag group associated.
Note: Clicking Undo while this command is active causes the command to cancel.
See Also
About Tag Group Data Formats
  1. Click Export Tag Group Info .
  2. Select the device to which the tag group(s) will refer (e.g., a robot).

    The Selected Tag Group(s) dialog box appears.

    Initially, the dialog box is empty.

  3. Select a tag group or groups from the Browser side tab or the work area.

  4. Click Browse to select a file.
    A Save As dialog box appears.
  5. Navigate to the directory in which you want the data stored.
  6. Enter a file name, select a file format (.xls or .txt), and click the Save button.
    The data is saved.
  7. Click OK.