Creating a Scanning Optic

You can create a scanning optics feature and attach set parameters to it. You can then save these parameters and apply them to multiple scan path definitions.

Before you begin: Load a part, machine, build tray and powder.
See Also
About Rules
  1. Right-click the machine in the Activities Process Tree.
  2. Select Powder Bed Machine, then Edit NC Resources.
  3. In the Parameters tab, under Scanning Optics, select Add Scanning Optic .
  4. In the Create Scanning Optic dialog box that appears:
    1. Provide a name, such as ScanningOpticName.1.
    2. Provide an ID, such as ScanningOpticID.1.
    3. Set the maximum scan speed, scan power and jump speed.
    4. Define the beam parameters.
    5. Define the scope parameters.
    6. Set the mirror mounting point.
  5. Click OK.
    The scanning optic feature is saved and is visible under Scanning Optics.
  6. Optional: Click Edit Parameters to edit the parameters of an existing scanning optics feature.
  7. Optional: Click Delete Scanning Optics to delete an existing scanning optics feature.

The scanning optics feature is saved and a new rule is created.