Selecting Prismatic Machinable Features Using Search

You can search and select prismatic machinable features and use them to create machining operations, machining processes, and machining patterns.

Before you begin: Open the Manufacturing View with the result of the Creating Prismatic Machinable Features Globally task.
  1. Key in Ctrl+ F..

    TheFind dialog box appears.

  2. Select the Advanced tab.
  3. From the lists, select the desired app (example, NC Manufacturing), Type (example, Manufacturing Features), and Attribute (example, Diameter equal to 10mm) search criteria.
    The Find dialog box is updated with the specified query (example, 'NC Manufacturing'.Counterbore.Diameter=10mm).
  4. Click Find .
    The search result is displayed in the dialog box.
  5. Click OK to select all the features corresponding to the search criteria.
    The selected features are highlighted in the work area and in the Manufacturing View.