Data Readout Probe
- Creates one or more data readout probes to keep track of specific data when
running simulations.
- See Creating a Data Readout

Measure Probe
- This command is not available in a PPR Context.
- See Creating a Measure Between

Interference Probe
- This command is not available in a PPR Context.
- See Creating an Interference

Section Probe
- This command is not available in a PPR Context.
- See Creating a Section

Camera Viewer Probe
- Creates a camera probe that focuses on either a particular part or on what
happens from the vantage of a particular camera mounting point.
- See Creating a Camera Viewer

Motion Trace Probe
- Uses a simulation trace to trace the movement of objects in a simulation.
- See Creating a Motion Trace
Fault Monitor Probe
- Launches the Fault Monitor Manager panel, used to
manage resources that are monitored for faults during simulation.
- Run a simulation and identify all the potential issues, using the Fault
Monitor. Review individual issues by navigating through the Fault report, and
get a 3D view of each problematic situation.