Updating a Surface Task

When a surface trajectory is modified after a robot task is generated from it, the task should be updated in order to remain in sync with the trajectory.

See Also
Generating Surface Tasks
  1. From the Surface section of the action bar, click Update Surface Operations .
    You are prompted to select a task to update.
  2. In the Behavior side tab, click the task to update.

    The task is updated.

    • If a new tag is found in the surface trajectory, a correspnding new surface operation is added. The parameters of the new surface operation are the same as the previous surface operation in the task. If the new operation is the first operation in the task, the parameters are same as the following surface operation.
    • If a tag is removed in the trajectory, the associated surface operation is removed.
    • A change in the position of a tag in the surface trajectory does not result in a change to the task. The surface operation maintains a link to the tag, so all such changes are transparent.
    • If new first process and last process points are added to the trajectory, the trigger instructions are created for the new first process and last process points with same parameters as the previous trigger instructions. If the new trigger instruction is the first trigger instruction in the task, the parameters are same as the next trigger instruction. If the first process and last process points are removed, the corresponding trigger instructions are removed.