About Capable Resources For Processes

Capable resources are reference resources that can be linked as primary or secondary for an operation. You can define reference resources for operations to facilitate scheduling.

This page discusses:

Capable Resources Structure

The root of a capable resource is an area-type resource that gathers instances of capable resource references. Those instances are called resource usages and are used for capable resources positioning.

For more information, see Define a Position.

To create the root of a capable resource structure and assign it to the workplan, click Manage Resources Structures from the Authoring section of the action bar. This creates both the root of the structure and the link between the service workplan and this root.

For more information, see Create a Capable Resources Structure for a Service Workplan.

Capable resources structures are linked and dedicated to service workplans only. There can only be one capable resources structure per service workplan. Similarly, there can only be one service workplan per capable resources structure.

Assets Structure

The assets structure is a plant-type resource.

Assets structure includes work centers. A work center is a group of assets (robots, workers, NC machine, etc.) which can be scheduled (based on primary and secondary resources).

Note: Within the factory, a work center is a geographic area, such as a shop floor.

For more information, see Create an Assets Structure for a Service Workplan.

Primary and Secondary Resources

Capable resource references are linked to operation; they can be linked as primary or secondary resources.

Defining primary and secondary resources links enables to specify the reference resources that are indeed for the operation execution.

You can define multiple primary resources with the corresponding secondary resources on an operation. You can also assign a secondary resource to several different primary resources.

The rule when defining primary and secondary resources is as follow:

  • For primary resources: If defining several primaries resources on an operation, this will be interpreted as an "OR", that is, only one of them will be used.
  • For secondary resources: If defining several secondaries resources to a primary resource, this will be interpreted as an "AND", that is,all secondary resources will be necessary to the execution of the operation.
The resources are identified beforehand in the DELMIA Factory Resource Management app.

Attached Documents

You can attach documents to capable resource references (primary or secondary), which you can link to processes, operations, or operation steps. This enables you to associate documents with operations, and facilitates collaboration between Resource Programmers and Process Planners.

Attaching documents to capable resource links facilitate collaboration. Indeed, this allows you to share documents such as tool paths, ISO codes, or machine instructions.

The attached documents appear in the Manage Capable Resources panel, under the Associated Documents section. They are attached:

  • For a primary resource, in context of the operation
  • For a secondary resource, in context of the primary resource and the operation

This capacity to link and associate documents gives you access to all relevant machines instructions information.

For more information, see Attach Documents to Capable Resources.

Manage Capable Resources Panel for Process

You can open the Manage Capable Resources panel for process on first-level operations under the system or the service workplan.

From the Authoring section of the action bar, click Manage Capable Resources to open the panel for process.

Note: The name of the selected operation appears below the panel header.

Primary Resources Section
You can define multiple primary resources for one operation.
Note: Only one of them will be used.
Secondary Resources Section
You can only define secondary resources in the context of a primary resource and on a first-level operation.
A secondary resource can be assigned to several different primary resources.
The list only displays the secondary resources related to the selected primary resource.
Primary/Secondary Associations Section
This table uses the information of the Primary Resources section to give you an overview of the capable resources associations.
A check mark appears when an association exits between a secondary (first column) and a primary (row header) resources.
Tip: Double-click a cell to create or delete an association.

For more information, see Assigning Capable Resource References on First-Level Operations.