Predefined Queries

You can use these predefined queries in 3DSearch to quickly find the content used by this app.

For more information about using predefined queries, see 3DEXPERIENCE Platform: Searching with Predefined Queries.

This table lists the predefined queries for Planning Structure content types:

Content Type Predefined Queries Predefined Queries for Standard Collaborative Spaces
Continuous Provided Material cpr scpr
Remove Material rmat srmat
General system gsys sgsys
Workplan system wpl swpl
General operation mop smop
Loading operation lop slop
Point Fastening operation pop spop
Curve Fastening operation cop scop
Transfer operation top stop
Unloading operation uop suop
Remove Material operation rmop srmop
Buffer operation bop None
Sink operation kso None
Source operation sco None
Interrupt operation iop None
Shift model shm sshm
Resource rsc srsc
Worker rwk srwk
Tool Equipment nct snct
NC Machine ncm sncm
Conveyor rcv srcv
Inspect rin srin
Storage rst srst
Transport rtr srtr
User Defined Resource rud srud
Control Equipment rcd srcd
Area rar srar
Sensor rsn srsn
Logic Controller rlc srlc
Industrial Machine rim srim
Robot rrb srrb
Manufacturing Product rms srms
Manufacturing Cell ncc sncc