Searching with Predefined Queries

To search on specific object types, you can use predefined queries that you run by entering specific prefixes in the search field, called Type Shortcuts.

  • This feature is not available in "mobile" resolution (screen width below 1280 px).
  • The Administrator can customize predefined queries.

Before you begin: This function requires the Collaborative Industry Innovator role.
See Also
About 3DSearch Queries
Managing Search Results
Focusing on Preferred Types
Filtering with Advanced Search
Filtering with 6WTags
  1. In the Top Bar Search field:
    • Click , and select Help on Type shortcuts.
      Important: This link is only available in simple Search mode. It does not appear when you are in Advanced Search or in Search in Current Tab mode.
    • Or enter ?
    You have access to an exhaustive list of predefined queries.
  2. From the proposed list, select a predefined query.

    Predefined Queries use the predefinedtype_shortcut:searchstring syntax, for example, prd:searchstring to search for products.

    You can use additional predefined queries (with an s prefix) to search for objects belonging to a standard collaborative space.

    Tip: To search for users, use the Person predefined query (through the usr:<name to search> or person:<name to search> shortcuts).

  3. Optional: For Collaboration and Approvals based apps, you can add the selected content to a clipboard or to a new or existing collection.
    1. From the Search Results panel, click
    2. Optional: Select Add to Clipboard.
    3. Optional: Select New/Add to Collection.