Filtering with Advanced Search

You can use Advanced Search mode to search using a predefined set of attributes.

Tip: This mode is efficient to base your search on the object specificities, like the type, title, name extension, etc. For example, you can search for objects with a specific name, by entering that name in the Name field.
Important: Advanced Search has the following limitations:
  • It is not available in mobile screen resolution (screen width below 1280 px).
  • It does not search external file hosting services like Google Drive or Dropbox.
  • It is not available if you only have the Collaborative Business Innovator role.
  • For the Collaborative Policy and Maturity State fields, it does not work for the National Language Settings (NLS) labels of the states.

See Also
Focusing on Preferred Types
Filtering with 6WTags
Searching with Predefined Queries
About Search Results
About 3DSearch Queries
  1. In the Top Bar Search field, click , and select Advanced Search.
    A panel appears, listing the attributes by which you can refine your search. By default, 3DSearch displays a limited number of attributes.
    Tip: Click More Criteria to see all attributes; and PLM parameters, if you select Collaborative Spaces for Source.
  2. For any of the proposed attributes, select the values you want to search.

    You can also use the following features in Advanced Search mode.

    Feature Description
    Multiple selection

    You can select multiple entries in one attribute. In that case, More Criteria filters out the list of applicable attributes to show the common attributes for both types (intersection).

    For example, if you select Physical Product and 3D Shape, the list of attributes available in More Criteria displays the common attributes of these two types.

    Search suggestions

    Use search suggestions to auto-complete your query.

    • The Name and Description fields work with exact search only. Partial search does not work on these fields but you can use wild cards to bypass this limitation. For example, if the document name is aa-bb cc, searching for aa-bb does not return this document. To get it in the results, search for the exact name or search for aa-bb*.
    • The search suggest mechanism does not work with National Language Settings (NLS) values for the moment. In other words, the Advanced Search fields do not suggest search results to users in their preferred language, but rather only the internal default values.
    Copy filtering criteria

    You can copy your filtering criteria from MS Excel, MS Word, or text files, provided they are text strings. Copy does not work for data sources, types, and attribute types containing values other than text strings (for example, date and Boolean values).

    For MS Word or text files, use pipe characters | as separators. We also support line separators \n and tabulations \t.

    For example, if you copy the following string from MS Excel:

    The Advanced Search UI displays these values as three separate query terms.

    If you click Search, the Advanced Search separates values by implicit OR logical expressions, and makes the following query: "John Steed" OR "Emma Peel" OR "Michael Gambit".

    Tip: Your Administrator can define a list of "preferred types" for the Type attribute.

  3. Click Search.

    A Selected Filters panel displays above the Advanced Search panel to give you a quick view of your selection.

    Note: The Created From field uses an exact string search. When you search for:
    • DataExchangeImport in the Top bar, 3DSearch searches for all documents containing this string in any searchable meta.

    • DataExchangeImport: in the Advanced Search > Created By field, 3DSearch searches exactly for this string. For example, if the creator is DataExchangeImport:foo, you will not see it in the results.

    In other search features, the colon : is a character reserved for search with predefined queries (for example, prd:searchstring to search for products). To take it into account in your query, enclose it with double quotes "<string>":".

  4. To delete all selected search criteria at once, click .