On the cloud, content is always indexed for better performance.
For on-premises environments, the Administrator must schedule the indexing frequency.
Every time data is created or modified on the tenant, the indexing starts and updates the
timestamp. If not, the timestamp remains as is, indicating the last index generation.
If you do not see the results that you are expecting, click My recent
content to see your content created since the last index generation. For
more information, see Using My Recent Content.
Search results include only indexed content you are allowed to see, based on your granted
user roles and shared access. Some roles let you search for content outside of the
platform, such as on the internet or intranet. The Collaborative Business Innovator and Collaborative Industry Innovatorroles do
not let you search outside of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
3DEXPERIENCE platform Administrators can search for Pending users (that is, users
invited to join the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, but have not accepted the invitation yet). This behavior is normal.
in Search Results...
All objects or files
Dates depend on the user's settings for Display date format .
For more information, see Changing the Search Settings.
To save place in Tiles, Thumbnails, and
Textual Tiles views, the Search Results
panel displays:
hour information only (hours, minutes, seconds)
for results having less than 24 hours.
date information only (year, month, day) for
other results.
The tooltip and the Datagrid view always display
the complete date information with date and hour.
For attributes related to magnitude (size, measure, weight, etc.) 3DSearch displays values with their units of measure.
If there are objects for which you have a showonly access,
the Search Results
panel displays the attributes that you are allowed to see only. For restricted
attributes, it displays No Access messages.
The index tokenization supports fuzzy full-text search. For example,
3DSearch interprets the query aa-bb cc as (aa AND bb AND cc )
OR text:(aa-bb cc) OR textbw:(*aa-bb cc*) (where 3DSearch tokenizes text fully, and does not tokenize
textbw.) Yet, the ranking mechanism displays the most exact
match first. aa-bb cc appears first and all other permutations
of aa, bb, cc, appear after
it in the search results.
3D objects
For a 3D part, only the 3D part product is visible in search results. The
aggregated shape is not visible.
Aggregated representations, which are in Private maturity state, are searchable and accessible to all users.
The display of 3D object thumbnails depends on the deployment context:
On-premises, thumbnails display for 3D shape and 3D part objects.
On the Cloud, thumbnails display for 3D shape objects and assemblies.
When 3DSearch cannot calculate 3D object thumbnails, search results show the icons
of their corresponding object types as a fallback solution.
3DSwym and 3DSpace objects
3DSearch uses approximation expansion to find words that are
lexicographically similar to other words. It is useful for
full-text search to correct user queries with typos and also
find very similar objects.
For example, if your query is snap3,
you also get results for snap,
snap4 etc.
3DSearch also uses approximation to find words from labels that
contain the entered word.
For example, if your query is corpo,
you also get results for labels containing
reincorporate, etc.
Approximation does not work for 4 letter words. For example, if you search
for wite instead of with, no
search results are displayed. This is an Exalead CloudViewdefault behavior.
3DSpace attachments
For 3DSpace, 3DSearch indexes the attached file content for files of type: pdf,
xls, zip, ppt,
doc, txt, docx,
xlsx, pptx, and msg.
When you launch a full-text search in the 3DEXPERIENCE platform, 3DSearch searches through all attached documents automatically.
External sources like DropBox, Google Drive, OneDrive
If you do not authenticate on external drives, 3DSearch does not take them into account and does not display the search results you
might expect.
3DSearch manages the connection to each source once per user session. Therefore if your
connection to an external source changes, it is only reflected after your next
user session.
3DSearch cannot compute thumbnails for Google Drive and Dropbox files (for example, PDF,
Excel, PPT, DOC, or image) and cannot display them for search results coming from
these sources.
Content published in communities
Search behaves differently depending on the selected language. For example, a
query with the article "a" or the preposition
"at" gives different results. These are
words in English but not in Chinese.
Possible Errors
You can see most of the errors that may occur in:
The center of the search result panel if they are linked to multiple sources.
The Search Results
panel header, flagged by if they are specific to only one source.
For example, if your query returns too many results for the server to handle,
the server returns only those under the maximum limit of results. For example, if the server
limit is at 100,000 and the server finds 150,000 results, 3DSearch returns only the first 100,000 results. This behavior also applies to the Advanced Search
mode. When this type of error occurs, the tooltip next to the icon indicates that the limit was reached.
You may also notice errors in the result count displayed in the UI:
When the security is not 100% indexed, the number of objects returned by
3DSearch is not valid.
Sometimes the Search Results
panel count does not match the result count displayed in the 6WTags.
This might occur when results come from external sources, like Dropbox, Google Drive or
OneDrive, as their APIs do not provide the result count. 3DSearch therefore increments the count when you scroll through the result list.
Behavior when You Open Results
Clicking a search result hyperlink has 2 different behaviors:
If the item supports "direct open", clicking the hyperlink directly opens the item in the
app handling it. For example, 3DSwym items open in 3DSwym standalone, 3DDashboard items open in 3DDashboard, 3DDrive items open in the 3DDrive application in 3DDashboard, etc.
If the item does not support "direct open", clicking the hyperlink opens the preview.
Highlighting and Snippets
Search results highlight query terms for 3DSwym, 3DDrive, and 3DSpace
data sources.
Highlighting works for certain information only, that is, Title, Responsible, and
Community (3DSwym content only).
If the query words contain special characters, highlighting may not work. This is not a
limitation. The underlying Exalead CloudView search engine interprets several special characters as separators. For more
information, see Special Characters.
For the moment, 3DSearch does not support highlighting for Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages.
Highlighting does not work for queries containing
a single character only. Since 3DSearch tokenizes many characters as separators by default, it may not highlight a
short query made with one letter surrounded by separators either.
Search results also display snippets that give you the context of each hit
through object attributes.
in Search Results...
Community posts
You see snippets for the following attributes corresponding to ds6w predicates:
type, owner (for the hit owner/publisher),
community (the community in which the document/object was
posted), modified.
3DSpace items
You see snippets for the following attributes (corresponding to ds6w predicates):
type, revision, status, owner (for the hit owner/publisher),
modified, project, dataSource.
Snippets do not work for large files. For example, when a PDF document
exceeds 100 pages, 3DSearch generate snippets for the beginning of the document only. This is an Exalead CloudView limitation.
Search Result Options
In the Search Results
panel, you can access several options by clicking or right-clicking the result.
In Mobile view, 3DSwym objects have no options. You can just click to open them.
Opens the Relational Explorer panel, which shows all related
objects graphically.
Locks the document and downloads the file to your
computer. Not available if someone else has locked the
Only shows if you previously selected Edit for the document. Lets
you upload the edited file. The app creates a new version of the file and removes
the lock from the document:
Click Select File.
Use the browser search dialog box to select the required file.
Enter comments about the edits made.
Click OK.
Undo Edit
Only shows if you previously selected
Edit for the document. Removes the lock for editing
without uploading a file. Any changes you made to the file on your computer remain,
but are not uploaded to the document on the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
Copy Link
Copies the document URL to the clipboard. You can then paste the URL as required, such
as in an email message.
When someone with access to the document clicks the link,
Document Management opens showing the Preview of the document.
You can delete one or more objects listed in the Search Results
This option opens the Collaborative Lifecycle for
Dashboardapp, with the objects loaded and selected, and a Delete
dialog box asking for confirmation.
Once the objects are deleted, you can close the transient Collaborative Lifecycle
widget to launch your last search again.
The objects you deleted still appear in the new search results until the
indexing has completed.
If you pinned the Search Results
panel or the Collaborative
Lifecycle widget to a dashboard, your last query does not launch again.
The search result Preview depends on the file
type and its data source.
For most objects, the Preview shows:
Gives a graphical view of:
A PLM object.
A 2D or 3D file.
A picture of a 3DSwym post, a dashboard, or a document stored in the 3DDrive. For 3DSwym, depending on the type of post, you can
see an image of the message or an embedded media
(for example, an image of a PDF document, a
picture, an animated picture, a video, etc.).
The Released Authorization section lists all the tasks that were approved to complete the change action required to release the object.
Since configured objects are not released with change actions, the history appears only for released, unconfigured objects.
If the object is not released, the table does not appear.
Allows you to add comments for all object types.
You can notify another user with @<user name>.
These notifications appear in the tagged user's 3DNotification Center, in the upper right corner of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform window. When clicking a notification, the object opens in the
side properties showing the Comments tab.
This feature does not work for multiselection.
Derived outputs
Shows derived output as in the Product Structure Editorapp.
These derived outputs are secondary database files generated from the conversion to
another format of the master database CAD file (3D or 2D) of an
Example of 3D File Preview
About the Preview behavior:
When you select several results, the Preview displays information for the last
selected result.
To navigate through search result objects, click or .
To go back to the search results list, click on the upper right.
To show or hide information content (Properties,
Relations, etc.), click .
On mobile devices, the Preview displays the 3DPlay content by default.
When closing the Preview, 3DSearch keeps the original state (before launching the Preview).
When you open the Preview, it appears full screen in the browser.
You can also open the Preview by clicking the search result hyperlink. On
iPhone devices, it opens when you click anywhere on the search result.
Open With
Opens an object in another 3DEXPERIENCE platformapp. For example, 3D Markup, CATIA V5, Product Explorer, Product Structure Editor, etc.