Deleting Objects

You can delete objects that you no longer need.

If the object has multiple revisions, you cannot delete it if the previous revision has been exported with authoring options and is not available on the local site anymore. For more information, see Exchange Management User's Guide: Export and About Site Ownership.

Warning: In that case, deleting a revision before the last one prevents further deletion of the last revision.

If the previous revision has been deleted on the local site but has not been exported with authoring options, you can delete them in any order.

Aggregated content is deleted with its parent.

You cannot delete:

  • An object that is locked by someone else.
  • An object that is referenced by a structural object that is not in the scope of the delete.

    If the selected object is referenced by non-structural 3DEXPERIENCE content with CAD master (for example, CATAnalysis) that is not in the scope of the delete:

    • If the selected object is also non-structural 3DEXPERIENCE content with CAD master, it is not deleted.
    • If the selected object is a structural object, it is deleted.

  • A reference that is instantiated under another reference or in another assembly. First delete all instances of a reference before you can delete the reference.

    You can use Relations to ensure that none of the objects that you want to delete are referenced in other structures. For more information, see the Relations User's Guide.

  • An object that belongs to a distant site. For more information, see Exchange Management User's Guide: Site Information: About Site Ownership.
  • Embedded components separately from their parent. You can separately delete the embedded component from CATIA V5, and save to 3DEXPERIENCE again. For more information, see Social and Collaborative: 3DEXPERIENCE Open: Product Development - PLM Collaboration Services: CATIA V5.
  • References that are EBOM-controlled. For more information, see Collaborative Lifecycle User's Guide: Collaboration Between Physical Product and Engineering BOM: About Collaboration Between Physical Product and Engineering BOM.

This task shows you how to:

Delete Objects

Before you begin:

Select one or several objects to delete, and click Delete . Depending on the app, this command might be available from the action bar or a context menu.

Tip: You can also select and delete objects directly from the search results. For more information, see About Search Results.
  1. Optional: If you selected only one object, to delete its children, select the Include structural objects option.

    Note: If you select this option, non-structural 3DEXPERIENCE content with CAD master included in the objects to be deleted is also deleted, except CATmaterials.

  2. Click Ok to validate.

All objects that can be deleted are permanently deleted from the database. The child objects of any object that cannot be deleted are excluded from the delete scope.

Manage the Delete Report

If one or more objects could not be deleted, a dialog box appears with a report.

  1. The report displays the following information:

    Column Description
    Status The status of the operation for the object:
    • : The operation succeeded, and the object was deleted.
    • : The operation failed, and the object couldn't be deleted.
    Title The title of the object.
    Type The type of the object.
    Revision The revision level of the object.
    Message The reason why the operation failed.

  2. To filter the objects displayed in the report:
    1. Click Filter .
    2. Select one or several of these filters:

      • All: All the objects are displayed.
      • Automatically Added: Displays the objects that were automatically included to the delete scope because of dependencies.
      • Selected: Displays the objects you selected.

        The objects that are included to the delete scope because you selected the Include Structural Objects option are considered as selected.

      • Success: Displays the objects that were successfully deleted.
      • Failed: Displays the objects that could not be deleted.

    By default, only the objects you selected are displayed, with a successful or failed status.

  3. To view the properties of an object with a Failed status, select it in the report, and then click Information .

    You can view the metadata of the selected object, and its related objects. For more information, see Properties and Information.

  4. To export the report as a .csv file, click Export .

    The content of the reporting panel is exported. If you applied filters or if you selected objects in the report, only these objects are exported.

  5. To close the report, click Close .