Changing the Search Settings

You can configure settings to change the search view display.

See Also
About Search Results
Selecting a View Mode
Sorting Search Results
Exporting Results
  1. In the Search Results panel, click and select Settings.
  2. From the Search Options dialog box, specify any of the following options:
    Activate Instant Search

    When you enable the Instant Search feature, the search mode displays the main categories matching with the query terms when you click the search field. For example, it shows Dashboards, Communities (including the private communities the user has access to), and Posts below the search history and general suggestions.

    When you click a category suggestion, the related object opens. For 3DSpace and 3DSwym standalone objects, Instant Search displays View More options to launch the preview.

    If the People category is activated, you will see the category suggestion and be able to open the users' 3DSwym profiles from the results.

    Notes: From the 3DSearch Control Center app, the platform administrator can:
    • Activate or deactivate the Instant Search feature. If the administrator activates the feature, users have the Instant Search activated by default. They also have the possibility to deactivate or re-activate it here, from the Search Options.
    • Specify the type of categories to show.

    This feature is available on all applications (3DSwym, 3DDashboard, 3DSpace) except on native apps (cloud, on premise) and on My3DEXPERIENCE.

    This feature does not work on mobile devices.

    Use tabs to show searches Displays results in a tab within the search widget, when in transient mode.

    Click to add more tabs to the widget, and select them to display the results of other queries.

    6WTags update their content when you switch from one tab to another.

    • This feature is available in 3DDashboard, 3DSwym, and native apps only.
    • In Native apps, 3DSearch retains search tabs during the session lifetime only.

      Similarly, in Web apps, 3DSearch does not retain the tabs of a transient widget when the page refreshes.

    Display date format

    Defines the default date display format:

    • Based on admin preferences (the default mode)
    • Based on language preferences
    • YYYY-MM-DD 24h format
    • MM/DD/YYYY 12h format
    • DD/MM/YYYY 24h format
    • Mon DAY, YYYY 24h format (for example, Jan 12, 2020 13:30:41)

    This choice:

    • Applies to all contexts using 3DSearch, that is, Native apps, 3DDashboard apps, 3DSwym, etc.
    • Has no impact on dates displayed in 6WTags and Advanced Search.

    CSV separator

    Defines the separator to use when exporting search results in CSV. You can choose between a comma or semicolon.

    This choice persists when you clear your browser cache.

    Search result revisions
    • Defines which search result revisions you want to see.

      Objects may have many revisions and displaying all of them in the search results may clutter the UI with many irrelevant objects. You can therefore choose to reduce the number of revisions to display.

      • All revisions: Displays all object result revisions.
      • Latest: Displays the latest revision only. This mode is available for 3DSpace data and for objects supporting minor revisioning. With the following revisions, 3DSearch displays the revision in bold.
        Object Part.000 Part.001 Part.002 Part.003
        Revision 000 001 002 003
        State State1 State1 State1 State1
      • Latest Per State: Retrieves only the latest revision for each available state. With the following states and minor revisions, 3DSearch displays the revisions in bold.
        Object Part.000 Part.001 Part.002 Part.003
        Revision 000 001 002 003
        State State1 State1 State3 State2
    • The Search result revisions feature is not compatible with:
      • Data that is not indexed yet. Therefore, it does not work for My Recent Content because data is not indexed in that context.
      • Existing data, until reindexed (either manually by the Administrator or because of data modification).
      • A new branch in your 3DDashboard created using the branching feature.
    • Latest Per State works for objects that support minor revisions only.
    Collaborative spaces credentials Specifies the security context used by 3DSearch for searching on Collaborative Spaces.
    Note: Credentials are effective once you click Apply and launch the query again.
    Columns > Manage grid view customization In Datagrid View, this option allows you to customize the column display. For more information, see Customizing Columns for Datagrid View.