Selecting a View Mode

You can switch between different display modes to view search results.

Important: Your Administrator can change the default view mode. You only see it if you do not have another view mode stored in your cache (which can be a previous default mode or your previous view selection). Empty your cache to see the new default view mode.

See Also
About Search Results
Changing the Search Settings
Sorting Search Results
Selecting Multiple Objects
In the Search Results panel, select a view mode:
Thumbnails View  
Textual Tile View The default view in mobile screen resolution (screen width below 1280 px).
Tile View The default view in desktop screen resolution (screen width above 1280 px).
Datagrid View This view is available in desktop screen resolution only (not in "mobile" resolution with a screen width below 1280 px).
Tip: The Datagrid view is more readable when you have a lot of results.
Warning: This view is not available on GalaxyTabS4.

You can right-click column headers to choose how to display table columns dynamically (dynamic mode) with the following options.

Option Description
Pin Column Pins the selected column to the left or to the right.
Note: You can pin multiple columns.
Size Column to Fit Resizes the current column to fit its content.
Size All Columns to Fit Resizes all columns to fit their contents.
Is Visible Hides the selected column. To show all hidden columns again, select Reset visibility.
Is Wrap Select whether to wrap the text in the column or not.
Reset visibility When at least one column is not visible, you can reset visibility to see all columns again.
Manage grid view customization You can also customize columns in persistent mode (not in dynamic mode). See Customizing Columns for Datagrid View.
Note: 3DSearch persists dynamic updates like is Visible, is Wrap, and resize column(s). When you close the Search Results panel and perform another search, the datagrid view displays the dynamic filters you selected.