About the Resource Configuration Panel

The Resource Configuration panel is a visualization of a factory flow entity-hierarchy under a given machine.

See Also
Context Menus
Adding Activities
Managing Header Operations

You can access the Resource Configuration panel by doing the following:

  • From the Programming section of the action bar, click Resource Configuration , then select a worker, pathway, activity, zone, or object in the work area or tree.
  • Select a worker in the work area then click Resource Configuration to view the transfer activities under the worker in the panel. In this view, you can edit and define consumables on the worker.
  • Select a pathway and click Resource Configuration , then right-click a pathway or decision zone to use the context menu options.
The panel allows you to build, model, and review selected resources. It presents resources properties in a tabular form and visualizes the selected resource-model tree structure. The various element's context menus let you:
  • Select multiple elements for editing or deleting
  • Assign resource pools, resource zones, time distributions, or parking zones
  • Edit activities, resources, product zones, or product flows
  • Open a Gantt chart for a selected element
  • Customize the required property columns view
  • Define common inputs group.

You can reorganize resources using dragging in the Resource Configuration panel without corrupting entities defined on the moving resource. For example if an NC machine has product zones, activities, product flows, and many other resources, all of them are retained when you reorganize the resource hierarchy using dragging.

A Roll Up option is available to enable or disable detailed or black box simulation:

  • Selecting Roll Up On starts the black box simulation mode, in which only the header group is simulated.
  • Selecting Roll Up Off starts the detailed simulation mode, in which the children operations are simulated.

The following commands are available in the Resource Configuration panel:

  • Select: highlights the selected objects in the main 3D. You can clear highlighted objects by selecting them or by selecting other objects to add to the existing resource configuration by selecting them in the main 3D. Once you complete the required changes, click to end the selection and return to the panel to view the changes.

  • Filter : filters what displays in the panel with options for Resource Type, Nodes, Factory Flow, and Planning.

  • Factory Flow Status : opens the B.I. Essentials panel and computes the status of all items in the panel. You can select each item to view the status in depth in the panel that appears next to the panel. The panel consists of the following sections: Diagnostic, Details, and 3D View if there are no errors, or Possible Solutions if there are errors.

    The B.I. Essentials panel for Factory Flow Status contains the following information:

    Color Factory Flow Status
    Incorrect definition: the resource has inputs or outputs that are not provided by a product flow.
    Possible error in definition: the resource may have inputs or outputs that are not provided by a product flow.
    Correct definition: the resource has inputs or outputs that are provided by a product flow.
    Not used in the flow: the resource is not used in the simulation.

  • Planning Continuity Status : opens theB.I. Essentials panel and checks the status of all items in the panel. This command enables the Synchronize activities with planning command, which will synchronize the activities and close the panel.

    The B.I. Essentials panel for Planning Continuity Status contains the following information:

    Color Planning Continuity Status
    Not Assigned: the activity is not assigned to a product flow.
    Partially Assigned: the activity may not be assigned to a product flow.
    Assigned: the activity is assigned to a product flow.
    Not Assignable: the activity is unassignable.

Activities can be created in the Resource Configuration panel by dragging. You can drag an operation or manufactured item from the tree to a destination in the panel. The following dragging combinations are available:

Operation or Manufactured Item Destination Activity Created
  • Product Zone of Buffer/NC Machine
  • Decision Zone of the Conveyor
Transfer Activity
Note: You must add the generic attribute to the description of the general activity in the Properties dialog box.
NC Machine Generic Activity
  • Product Flow
  • Conveyor
Transfer Activity
Note: You must add the Placing attribute to the description of the load activity in the Properties dialog box.
  • Product Zone of Buffer/NC Machine
  • Decision Zone of the Conveyor
Load Activity
Note: You must add the Pack attribute to the description of the load activity in the Properties dialog box.
Decision Zone of the Conveyor/NC Machine Pack Activity
Note: You must add the Picking attribute to the description of the unload activity in the Properties dialog box.
  • Product Zone of Buffer/NC Machine
  • Decision Zone of the Conveyor
Unload Activity
Note: You must add the Unpack attribute to the description of the unload activity in the Properties dialog box.
Decision Zone of the Conveyor/NC Machine Unpack Activity
  • Product Flow
  • Conveyor
Transfer Activity
General /Mfg Item
  • Product Zone
  • Buffer
Buffer Activity
General /Mfg Item Out Zone Dispatch
Mfg Item In Zone Create Activity

The properties of these created activities are as follows:

  • All activities connected to an operation or manufactured item have a green check mark on top of the activity's existing icon.
  • The Name and Time Distribution of the operation is the same as the activity's name and time.
  • The Inputs and Outputs of the operation are the same as the activity's inputs and outputs. When you select an operation in the panel, their input and output manufactured items appear highlighted in the tree.
  • An operation's worker is assigned as a resource pool to the activity with a restriction of one worker by pool.
  • An operation's precedence links and constraints are the same as those of the activity.