Defining a Manikin Posture Prediction

Once you have the package defined, and a manikin assigned in the Interactions Scenario Definition dialog box with that package, you can position the occupant within the vehicle interior dimensions. The posture position data propagates in the database.

Before you begin: Define the package then a manikin can insert into the scenario.
See Also
Occupant Posture Prediction Definition Dialog Box
  1. Click Posture Prediction .
    The Occupant Posture Prediction Definition dialog box appears.
  2. In the tree or in the work area, select a package.

  3. Select the requirements, Method, Seat ratio, and Seating Position algorithms required for the scenario.
  4. For testing:
    1. A driver, define the SW Tilt ratio, Transmission, SW Telescope ratios, and the Steering wheel grasping style.
    2. A Passenger, select Initial Posture to specify the hand position of a passenger manikin at a realistic and repeatable location. This is activated when a Posture Prediction node in the Product tree is edited. For a driver seating position, this option grays out and is not selectable and the option has no effect on any functionality.
    The posture prediction is stored in the tree as a child of the Physical Representation node.

  5. Click OK.

Note: You can modify the definition by right-clicking the posture prediction in the tree. Select Definition, and change the selections required in the dialog box.