Basic Concepts

Before you begin using this app, you need to know the basic concepts.

This page discusses:

Machine Customization

You can customize a wire EDM machine.

You can edit the Technology parameters for wire EDM machines. For more information, see Edit the Technology Parameters.

Parameters Table

You can import a Parameters Table to define several predefined sets of operation parameter values, called configurations.

A Parameters Table is an Excel file where the first row gives the parameter keys. Other rows give the name of the configurations and the values to define. Values are expressed in current units. Value cells can be empty, in which case the parameter is ignored.

To import a Parameters Table, click Select an Excel or Text Document . Once imported, the file is stored as an engineering document in database and lists the different configurations available.

You can modify it using the standard functionality of engineering documents. To update the Parameters Table, click Synchronize Wire EDM Operations .

Click Reset the Parameters Table to remove an associated Parameters Table.

An example Parameters table is available, located in ..\win_b64\startup\Manufacturing\Samples\WireEDM.

You can define the following parameter keys:

Parameter Key Description Type
AxialOffset Defines the contour axial offset. Length
CollarCutOffset Defines the collar cut offset of the tapered variable. Length
Constant4AxisAngle Defines the tapered and fixed-tapered angle. Angle
CutAtEnd Specifies if the wire is cut at the end of separation or at the end of pocketing. Boolean
DistanceBetweenPaths Defines the distance between paths (pocketing only). Length
EndTaperedAngle Defines the end angle of the tapered variable. Angle
ExitThreadPoint Specifies if the wire returns to the threading point. Boolean
FanningDistance Defines the fixed-tapered fanning distance. Length
FinishingCutAtEnd Specifies if the wire is cut at the end of a finishing pass. Boolean
FinishOffset_i Defines the finishing offset of pass I. Length
FinishTechnoSet_i Defines the finishing technology set of pass I. Technology Set
GlobalTechnoSet Defines the global technology set. Technology Set
HoleDiameter Defines the hole diameter (pocketing only). Length
MachiningTolerance Defines the machining tolerance. Length
MainCutAtEnd Specifies if the wire is cut at the end of the main pass. Boolean
MainOffset Defines the main offset. Length
MainPassDirection With finishing: Specifies same direction rather than main direction. Boolean
MainTechnoSet Defines the main technology set. Technology Set
NoMainPass Specifies if there a main pass or not. Boolean
NumberOfCuttingPasses Defines the number of separation passes. Integer
NumberOfFinishingPasses Defines the number of finishing passes. Integer
OverlapDistance Defines the closed contour overlap. Length
PartHeight Defines the part height. Length
PocketingStrategy Defines the axis strategy for pocketing operations. List
RadialOffset Defines the contour radial offset. Length
SeparationOffset_i Defines the separation offset of pass I. Length
SeparationTechnoSet_i Defines the separation technology set of pass I. Technology Set
ShortenPass Specifies if shorten passes are allowed. Boolean
ShortenPassDistance Defines the shorten pass distance. Length
StartTaperedAngle Defines the start angle of the tapered variable. Angle
StepTaperedAngle Defines the maximum discrepant step angle of the tapered variable. Length
StopAtEnd Specifies the separation as: Stop the wire at end. Boolean
StopAtEndDistance Defines the separation distance. Length
StopAtStart Specifies the separation as: Stop the wire at start. Boolean
ThreadWire Specifies if the wire is threaded. Boolean
WEDMCompensation Defines the machining side. List (left-right)
WEDMCutMode Defines the separation insert mode. List
WEDMRadialCompensation Specifies the 2D radial compensation type. Boolean
WEDMSequence Defines the wire EDM sequence List
WEDMStrategy Defines the wire EDM axis strategy. List
WithFinishingPass Specifies if finishing pass occurs at end (pocketing only). Boolean
ZigZagMode Defines the finishing pass style. List
List Parameters
Define the index of the list value in an Excel cell.
Technology Set Parameters
Specify the name of a corresponding machine technology set. If there is no corresponding technology set, then the value is ignored.
It is possible to define multiple values of different passes of finishing and separation.
Machine Table Configurations
In wire EDM profiling or pocket operations, you can select a Machine Table Configuration.

Wire EDM PP Tables and Word Syntaxes

You can generate APT output and G code using the wire EDM PP Tables and Word Syntaxes. For more information, see PP Tables and Word Syntaxes - Wire EDM.

Wire EDM Simulation Options

You can display PP instructions during tool path replay.

In the Simulation Options panel, select one of the following to define the PP instruction display:

  • : No Display
  • : Display All PP Instructions
  • : Display Last PP Instructions