Information about Nachi AX RRS Interface
The following information is specific to the Nachi AX 1.XX server.
The Device Controller Sample Rate is automatically set to the appropriate RRS heartbeat value (8 msec) when RRS is enabled and is reset back to the pre-RRS value when RRS is disabled.
The RRS interface maps V6 Controller Profile parameters into Nachi RCS parameters as follows:
Computing accuracy level
if the Accuracy Profile Index value is set Use the Accuracy Profile Index value as the Accuracy Type else if ACCURACY_TYPE=SPEED then if ACCURACY_VALUE <= 0% then Use Accuracy Type = 1 else if 0%< ACCURACY_VALUE <= 5% Use Accuracy Type = 2 else if 5% < ACCURACY_VALUE <= 10% Use Accuracy Type = 3 else if 10% < ACCURACY_VALUE <= 15% Use Accuracy Type = 4 else if 15% < ACCURACY_VALUE <= 25% Use Accuracy Type = 5 else if 25% < ACCURACY_VALUE <= 50% Use Accuracy Type = 6 else if 50% < ACCURACY_VALUE <= 75% Use Accuracy Type = 7 else if Accuracy Value > 75% Use Accuracy Type = 8 else if ACCURACY_TYPE=DISTANCE then if ACCURACY_VALUE <= 0 mm then Use Accuracy Type = 1 else if 0 mm < ACCURACY_VALUE <= 5mm Use Accuracy Type = 2 else if 5 mm < ACCURACY_VALUE <= 10mm Use Accuracy Type = 3 else if 10 mm < ACCURACY_VALUE <= 25mm Use Accuracy Type = 4 else if 25 mm < ACCURACY_VALUE <= 50mm Use Accuracy Type = 5 else if 50 mm < ACCURACY_VALUE <= 100mm Use Accuracy Type = 6 else if 100 mm < ACCURACY_VALUE <= 200mm Use Accuracy Type = 7 else if Accuracy Value > 200 mm Use Accuracy Type = 8
Computing tool number
Tool number is computed in order to determine the tool frame name sent to the RCS module as follows:
if Tool Profile INDEX parameter is set then Use that as the TOOL_NUMBER else if Tool Profile name is of the form “*[#]*” then Use # as the TOOL_NUMBER else Use 0 as the TOOL_NUMBER if TOOL_NUMBER=0 Use TOOL as the tool frame name else Use TOOL[<TOOL_NUMBER>] as the tool frame name
Accel Value Mapping
Accel Value < 33% -> SET_JOINT_ACCELERATION (AccelPercent[0] = 3) 33% <= Accel Value < 66% -> SET_JOINT_ACCELERATION (AccelPercent[0] = 2) 66% <= Accel Value < 99% -> SET_JOINT_ACCELERATION (AccelPercent[0] = 1) Accel Value > 99% -> SET_JOINT_ACCELERATION (AccelPercent[0] = 0)
This RRS interface supports fixed TCP (stationary tool) interpolation in addition to the usual moving TCP interpolation. Fixed TCP is typically used for the scenario where the tool position is fixed in the cell, the gripper is holding the part, and all tag points to move to are attached to this part. By default, the RRS module performs moving TCP interpolation.