ABB RRS Profiles/Attributes

This RRS interface supports the following ABB RRS attributes.

These can be set via either

  • the provided pre-defined ABB RRS Controller-specific Profile
  • adding them into a custom User Profile
Refer to Setting RRS Controller-Specific Attributes/Profiles for further details.

See Also
ABB RRS Servers
ABB RRS Interface

ABB Attributes for Robot Operations/Activities

Attributes specified as being "non-modal" do not preserve their value from one move activity to the next, and hence must be set on each move activity (even if their value is the same).

For structure attributes, i.e., those that have a "\" in the attribute name, each component attribute must be defined in the order shown below. When these attributes are used, they will be the primary source of data that this RRS interface sends to the RCS module and will override any default mapping that may otherwise be supported.

The following controller-specific attributes must be set, in the order shown below for structure attributes, on robot operations/activities to which they apply in the robot's program (see Setting Controller-Specific Attributes for more details) in order to modify the default values for these parameters inside the RCS.

Attribute Name Attribute TypeCorresponding ABB S4C RCS Parameter
tooldata\tload_mass Double Maps to Mass in the ABB RCS (kg)
tooldata\tload_not_used Double Dummy; Not Used(Put value = 0)
tooldata\tload_cog_x Double Maps to Mass_Center_X in the ABB RCS (mm)
tooldata\tload_cog_y Double Maps to Mass_Center_Y in the ABB RCS (mm)
tooldata\tload_cog_z Double Maps to Mass_Center_Z in the ABB RCS (mm)
tooldata\tload_cog_not_used Double Dummy; Not Used(Put value = 0)
tooldata\tload_aom_q1 Double Maps to Moment_Axis_Q1 in the ABB RCS
tooldata\tload_aom_q2 Double Maps to Moment_Axis_Q2 in the ABB RCS
tooldata\tload_aom_q3 Double Maps to Moment_Axis_Q3 in the ABB RCS
tooldata\tload_aom_q4 Double Maps to Moment_Axis_Q4 in the ABB RCS
tooldata\tload_ix Double Maps to Inertia_X in the ABB RCS (kg_m^2)
tooldata\tload_iy Double Maps to Inertia_Y in the ABB RCS (kg_m^2)
tooldata\tload_iz Double Maps to Inertia_Z in the ABB RCS (kg_m^2)

Consult the ABB RAPID Reference Manual for additional information on the tooldata parameters.

zonedata\finep Integer Maps to Fine Point in the ABB RCS (0 means 'No' and 1 means 'Yes')
zonedata\pzone_tcp Double Maps to PZone_TCP in the ABB RCS (mm)
zonedata\pzone_ori Double Maps to PZone_Ori in the ABB RCS (mm)
zonedata\pzone_eax Double Maps to PZone_Eax in the ABB RCS (mm)
zonedata\zone_ori Double Maps to Zone_Ori in the ABB RCS (deg)
zonedata\zone_leax Double Maps to Zone_Leax in the ABB RCS (mm)
zonedata\finep Double Maps to Zone_Reax in the ABB RCS (deg)

Consult the ABB RAPID Reference Manual for additional information on the zonedata parameters.

speeddata\v_tcp Double Maps to V_TCP in the ABB RCS (mm/sec)
speeddata\v_ori Double Maps to V_Ori in the ABB RCS (deg/sec)
speeddata\v_leax Double Maps to V_Leax in the ABB RCS (mm/sec)
speeddata\v_reax Double Maps to V_Reax in the ABB RCS (deg/sec)

Consult the ABB RAPID Reference Manual for additional information on the speeddata parameters.

_path_resol Double Maps to PathResol in the ABB RCS (0.25 to 4.0, or -1 to indicate no update and continued use of the current value)

Consult the ABB RAPID Reference Manual for additional information on the PathResol parameters.

_rest_time Double Maps to Rest Time in the ABB RCS (msec)

Consult ABB's RAPID Reference Manual for additional information on the "SpotL" command, the ABB RCS documentation SET_REST_PARAMETER service description, and the RRS Interface Specification for the usage of the rest time parameter.

_time_comp Integer Maps to Time Compensation in the ABB RCS. Must be: 0 for ALL_OFF, 1 for PRE_MOTION_ONLY, 2 for POST_MOTION_ONLY, 3 for PRE_POST_MOTION_ON.

Consult the RRS Interface Specification on more information on the time compensation parameter.

_confj Integer Maps to ConfJ in the ABB RCS. Must be 0 for CTRL_OFF and 1 for CTRL_ON.
_confl Integer Maps to ConfL in the ABB RCS. Must be: 0 for CTRL_OFF and 1 for CTRL_ON.

Consult the ABB RAPID Reference Manual and the SET_CONFIGURATION_CONTROL and SET_NEXT_TARGET service descriptions in the RRS Interface Specification for more information on the ConfJ and ConfL parameters.

_jerk_percent Double Maps to Jerk Percent in the ABB RCS (0 to 100%)

Consult the ABB RAPID Reference Manual AccSet instruction description for more details on this parameter.